PGP Encryption products enable you to encrypt and decrypt content automatically and on-the-fly so that effort is minimized during these operations. When automatic options are not possible, such as when email disclaimers are added to the encrypted content, causing the content to no longer appear encrypted, then we have some manual methods to be able to decrypt the content. One of these manual methods is the PGP Viewer feature.
The PGP Viewer functionality allows you to decrypt email messages if PGP Encryption Desktop Email Encryption (Symantec Encryption Desktop) is either not integrated into your email client, or if automatic decryption is not possible in some rare circumstances.
TIP: For decrypting the text of email manually, you can use the "Clipboard" or "Current Window" functionality. For more information on these topics, see the following KBs:
180267 - Encrypt/Decrypt Text Using the Current Window feature with Symantec Encryption Desktop (PGP Desktop) for Windows
There are cases where emails will not decrypt automatically due to Group Policy configured for Outlook. For more information on this topic, see the following article:
153934 - PGP Encryption Desktop does not automatically decrypt messages in Outlook (Symantec Encryption Desktop)
Encryption Desktop 10.3 and above.
To use PGP Viewer:
If you receive an email that is encrypted and has an attachment as well, once decrypted, you will see an option under attachments to save the decrypted attachment:
You can click on the drop-down arrow, and save the decrypted attachment anywhere on your system.
Once saved, you can then view the message.