MSP interface performance slowness with Clarity due to environmental issue
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MSP interface performance slowness with Clarity due to environmental issue


Article ID: 138238


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


You are seeing performance issues opening and saving Microsoft Project (MSP) Projects. This issue may be intermittent or consistent.

Some examples: 

  • It can take more than 10 minutes to open a project via MSP interface. 
  • When you try to save changes back to the project in Clarity, it is slow / clocking
  • Additionally, you may also see a Target error referencing "Thread was being aborted" even after waiting more than 3 seconds after the project saves back to close the project. (See MSP: After saving project, project remains locked / target error for more details)


Release : All Supported Releases



This is due to an environment issue


For intermittent issues, this points to an environmental issue such as a Network issue.

Both SaaS and On Premise

  1. Ensure the clarity timeout is less than the SSO timeout
  2. Check with your Network and SSO team to track the session and check for any issues such as time out inactivity 
  3. Check the Network and SSO logs for any related issues/errors during the time of the issue

On Premise

  1. Enable sticky session persistence at the load balancer level. See also F5 Load Balancer timeout recommendations for Clarity
  2. Check the following KB for additional setting recommendations: "Unable to Communicate to the PPM server" Intermittently Post SSO implementation

Additional Information

For consistent MSP performance issues, see also: MSP Integration performance best practices

See also: MSP Integration known issues working with Clarity