MSP Error on Save: Attempted to Read or Write protected Memory
Article ID: 100649
Updated On:
Clarity PPM On PremiseClarity PPM SaaS
When attempting to save a project back from Microsoft Project (MSP) to Clarity PPM, a target error is generated that includes the following:
Beginning of message: Target: System Object ForwardC?TolinvokeMember (System String...
Error referenced: "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt."
You may also see the following error as well: "Project is running into problems with the CA ppm addin for Microsoft project. If this keeps happening disable the add-in and check for available updates. do you want to disable it now?"
Release: All Supported Releases
Ensure you are on the MSP Driver version & patch that matches the PPM version.
If impacting all projects, do a clean uninstall/reinstall of the MSP Driver (See KB 45862 for the steps).
If you are attempting to overwrite an existing project in Clarity in the new driver with a different project not exported previously from Clarity, this is not supported.
The one option would be to use the Save As feature with the MSP Legacy driver to overwrite the project.
This change was made to allow auto numbering in the new driver when new projects back. Here's a link with more information behind this change and other differences between the new driver and legacy Driver: Deciding Between the Legacy and New Microsoft Project Driver
Additional Information
See the following KBs for other known solutions for this error:
KB: 133360 - MSP Save Error: Attempted to read or write protected memory due to line breaks in notes
KB: 140105 - MSP Error on Save: Attempted to Read or Write protected Memory if project was previously saved in an earlier version of MSP
KB: 71385 - CA PPM and MSP integration - List of Knowledge Documents