How to manually enable verbose logs in CCS Application / Manager server (CCS 12.5.2 and older versions)
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How to manually enable verbose logs in CCS Application / Manager server (CCS 12.5.2 and older versions)


Article ID: 163985


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Control Compliance Suite Control Compliance Suite Standards Server Control Compliance Suite Standards Module


Control Compliance Suite (CCS)

If you receive errors in Control Compliance Suite, sometimes the CCS console does not give enough information what is causing the problem.  Enabling verbose logs on the CCS Application Server and/or CCS Manager will give more specific information on what the issue might be.

CCS 12.6 UPDATE: Configuring and collecting verbose logs for the CCS Application Server/manager from the CCS 12.6 console

KB's on how to enable verbose logging on other CCS Components:

If you need to enable verbose logs in Control Compliance Suite (CCS) console:

If you need to enable verbose logs in CCS agent:



CCS 12.5.x Application Server and/or Manager


NOTE: In the newer CCS 12.6.X console, you can configure the CCS Components to have verbose logging, and collect the logs from the Application Server and remote managers from the CCS 12.6 Console:
Configuring and collecting verbose logs for the CCS Application Server/manager from the CCS 12.6 console


Steps for CCS 12.5.2 and older versions. 

To enable verbose logging on the CCS Application Server and/or the CCS Manager see the steps below.  The first section is for the Application Server, the second section is for CCS Managers.

--------- How to enable CCS Application Server logs
1. On the CCS Reporting & Analytics Application Server, stop the Application Server services. 

2. Using Windows Explorer, browse to: 
C:\ProgramData\Symantec.CSM\Logs\AppServer directory, 

----  Delete any existing logs. ----

3. Using Windows Explorer again, browse to:
<install directory> e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\CCS\Reporting and Analytics\Application Server\ directory. 
Note: Save a backup copy of the "AppserverService.exe.config" file before making any changes.

4.Right click the file AppserverService.exe.config, then click Open With | Notepad. 

Under the "Logging" section find the value

     <add key="Log.Severity" value="Warning" />
and change it to

     <add key="Log.Severity" value="Verbose" /> 

Also change the following:

     <add key="Log.FileLogger.MaxHistoricalLogfileSize_MB" value="10" />

     <add key="Log.FileLogger.MaxHistoricalLogfileCount" value="10" />


     <add key="Log.FileLogger.MaxHistoricalLogfileSize_MB" value="200" />

     <add key="Log.FileLogger.MaxHistoricalLogfileCount" value="20" />

5. Save the changes, then restart the Application Server services. 

6. Reproduce any errors in CCS Reporting & Analytics. 

7. Zip up the directory mentioned in step 2, send the generated Application Server logs to Symantec Support.

--------- How to enable verbose CCS Manager logs


NOTE: Make sure that that all CCS consoles are closed and no jobs are running.  Also make copies of the config files before editing them.


Stop the CCS manager services

Open the Services.msc on the CCS Manager and stop the 'Symantec CCS Manager' service and the 'Symantec Data Processing Service'.


Clean up existing logs:

The CCS manager logs are located in the C:\ProgramData\Symantec.CSM\Logs\CCSManager folder.  Either delete or move the existing logs in the CCSManager folder (depending on your preference).


Edit the logging config files and enable verbose logging

Go to C:\Program Files (X86)\Symantec\CCS\Reporting and Analytics\DPS\ folder and locate the Blade.WorkerProcess.exe.Config file.
NOTE: Make a backup of this file before making any changes.

Open the Blade.WorkerProcess.exe.Config file using a text editor. Make the following changes:

  • Under the "Logging" section find the value:
    <add key="Log.Severity" value="Warning" />
  • and change it to:
    <add key="Log.Severity" value="Verbose" /> 

Save the changes and close the file.

Using a text editor, open the Symantec.CSM.DPS.exe.config file found in the same directory as the prior config file.
NOTE: Make a backup of this file before making any changes.

Make the following changes:

  • Under the "Logging" section find the value:
    <add key="Log.Severity" value="Warning" />
  • and change it to:
    <add key="Log.Severity" value="Verbose" /> 

Save the changes and close the file.


To enable verbose logging for evaluation and/or reporting issues   (Only needed if the problem is with Evaluation and/or reporting)

In the C:\Program Files (X86)\Symantec\CCS\Reporting and Analytics\DPS\ folder, open the BladeWorkerProcess.x64.exe.Config file with a text editor and the following changes:
NOTE: Make a backup of this file before making any changes.

  • Under the "Logging" section find the value:
    <add key="Log.Severity" value="Warning" />
  • and change it to:
    <add key="Log.Severity" value="Verbose" /> 

Save the changes and close the file.


Go back to Services.msc and start the 'Symantec CCS Manager' service and the 'Symantec Data Processing Service'.


--Reproduce the issue.

Once you have reproduced the issue, zip up the entire C:\ProgramData\Symantec.CSM\Logs\CCSManager directory and attach it to the Broadcom Support Case.


NOTE: Make sure you reset the logging values to the original setting, being sure to stop the CCS Manager service first, then restarting the service after the changes have been made.

Additional Information

The CCS Manager has several different logs: DPS.WorkerProcess, DPS.Service, DCInfra, and WindowsDC. Additionally, there is a “Installs” subdirectory that is helpful when there is a suspected issue with an installation or upgrade. 

Note: There are two types of DPS.WorkerProcess logs. When opening these logs you will either see Blade.WorkerProcess or Blade.WorkerProcess.x64 in the entries.  The x64 logs pertain to CCS reporting. There is not way to determine if a log is x64 or not, other than viewing it in a text editor.