"Certificate delete failed: Certificate cannot be deleted because it is used by 1 MP node(s)" error when deleting an NSX-T certificate
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"Certificate delete failed: Certificate cannot be deleted because it is used by 1 MP node(s)" error when deleting an NSX-T certificate


Article ID: 319133


Updated On:


VMware NSX



  • Deleting an NSX-T certificate fails.
  • You see the error:

    Certificate delete failed: Certificate cannot be deleted because it is used by 1 MP node(s).
  • The GET/api/v1/trust-management/certificates/{cert-id} REST API displays the certificate is used by a node similar to:

      "pem_encoded" : "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
    (output ommited)
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----",
      "used_by" : [ {
        "node_id" : "74af0842-d9f9-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXX",  <--- node using the certificate
      "id" : "04106cfd-0c23-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXX", <--- certificate ID
      "display_name" : "mp-cluster certificate for node nsx-mngr-01.corp.local",
      "tags" : [ ],
      "_create_user" : "system",
      "_create_time" : 1563623896904,
      "_last_modified_user" : "system",
      "_last_modified_time" : 1563623896959,
      "_system_owned" : false,
      "_protection" : "NOT_PROTECTED",
      "_revision" : 2

    Note: {cert-id} can be obtained from the NSX-T UI in System > Certificates.
  • The GET /api/v1/cluster/nodes/{node-id} REST API confirms the node is not using the certificate:

    Note: {node-id} can be obtained from the above certificate API.


VMware NSX-T Data Center 2.x
VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.x
VMware NSX 4.x


This issue occurs because the NSX Manager does not release the certificate automatically.


This behavior is a workflow error, if there is a reference object mapped to the certificate, deletion of certificate will not be feasible.

To work around this issue, contact Broadcom Support and note this Article ID (319133) in the problem description.