Migration options for a virtual machine are greyed out though vMotion is licensed
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Migration options for a virtual machine are greyed out though vMotion is licensed


Article ID: 316570


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


  • Right-clicking a virtual machine in vCenter Server the Migration and Power-off option is greyed out.


VMware vCenter Server


This issue can occur after a virtual machine backup completes and the entries from the vCenter Server database vpx_disabled_methods table are not removed.

For more information on who created the entry run the below command
/opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -d VCDB -U postgres -c "select * from vpx_disabled_methods;"


Manually remove entries from the vCenter Mob:

  1. Identify the VM's MOB ID
    1. Open a web browser to the vCenter Server's Flex (Flash) or vSphere Client (HTML5)
    2. In the left hand side inventory, select the affected VM's object
    3. With the VM selected and highlighted, in the URL bar, review the string and look for "VirtualMachine:vm-xx"

In this example VM's MOB ID is vm-141.
  1. ​​​​​​Access the Virtual Machine Operations by opening a web browser to: 
  1. Login with administrator@yourssodomain.local or an SSO admin user.
For example: [email protected]
  1. The below page will appear:
  1. In the first parameter entity value box, replace MOID with the VM's MOB ID
For example:

<!-- array start -->
<entity type="ManagedEntity" xsi:type="ManagedObjectReference">vm-141</entity>
<!-- array end -->

  1. In the second parameter entity value box, enter this command:

  1. Click on Invoke Method
  1. Refresh the vCenter Server web client and the migration option for the VM should now be available. If the issues persist: