Stopping, Starting or Restarting VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.x & above services
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Stopping, Starting or Restarting VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.x & above services


Article ID: 344633


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


This article provides step to stop, start or restart vCenter Server Appliance services.
For troubleshooting and maintenance purposes, it may be necessary to change the status of VMware vCenter Server Appliance services, such as VMware Virtual Center Server, VMware vSphere Web Client, or VMware Directory Service.


VMware vCenter Server Appliance 5.0
VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.7.x
VMware vCenter Server 8.0.x
VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.0.x
VMware vCenter Server 8.0
VMware vCenter Server 7.0.x


In VMware vCenter Server 6.0 and later, VMware recommends to use the vSphere Web Client or Service Control command-line tool to stop, start, or restart vCenter Server Appliance services. This process is different from previous versions of the vCenter Server Appliance.

Process to List, Stop, Start and Restart vCenter Server Appliance services:

Listing the vCenter Server Appliance services

To list the vCenter Server Appliance services within the vSphere Web Client:

  1. Log in to the vSphere Web Client with a vCenter Single Sign-on administrator account.
  2. Navigate to Administration > Deployment > System Configuration.
  3. Click Nodes, select the vCenter Server Appliance node and click the Related Objects tab.

To list the vCenter Server Appliance services using the command-line:

  1. Log in as root through an SSH or console session on the vCenter Server Appliance.
  2. Run this command to enable the shell (Note: This command is applicable only for vCenter Server Appliance 6.0):

    shell.set --enabled true
  3. Run this command to launch the shell (Note: This command is applicable if you are in Appliance shell) :

  4. Run this to change directories to /bin:

    cd /bin
  5. Run this command to list the vCenter Server Appliance services:

    service-control --list
  6. To view the current status of the vCenter Server Appliance services, type the command:

    service-control --status

Starting the vCenter Server Appliance services

To start the vCenter Server Appliance service if it is was stopped using the vSphere Web Client:

  1. Log in to the vSphere Web Client with a vCenter Single Sign-on administrator account.
  2. Navigate to Administration > Deployment > System Configuration.
  3. Click Nodes, select the vCenter Server Appliance node and click the Related Objects tab.
  4. Right-click on the service you would like to start and select Start.

To start the vCenter Server Appliance service if it is was stopped using the command-line:

  1. Log in as root through an SSH or console session on the vCenter Server Appliance.
  2. Run this command to enable the shell (Note: This command is applicable only for vCenter Server Appliance 6.0):

    shell.set --enabled true
  3. Run this command to launch the shell (Note: This command is applicable if you are in Appliance shell):

  4. Run this command to change directories to /bin:

    cd /bin
  5. Run this command to list the vCenter Server Appliance services:

    service-control --list
  6. Run this command to start a specific service:

    service-control --start servicename
  7. You may also start all services by typing the command:

    service-control --start --all
  8. To perform a dry run of the command, add the option --dry-run to the command. This will display what actions the command will run without executing the actions. For example, type the command:
Note: This step is valid for vCSA 6.0 only.

service-control --start --all --dry-run

Stopping the vCenter Server Appliance services

To stop a vCenter Server Appliance service if it was started using the vSphere Web Client:

  1. Log in to the vSphere Web Client with a vCenter Single Sign-on administrator account.
  2. Navigate to Administration > Deployment > System Configuration.
  3. Click Nodes, select the vCenter Server Appliance node and click the Related Objects tab.
  4. Right-click on the service you would like to stop and select Stop.

To stop the vCenter Server Appliance service if it is was started using the command-line:

  1. Log in as root through an SSH or console session on the vCenter Server Appliance.
  2. Run this command to enable the shell (Note: This command is applicable only for vCenter Server Appliance 6.0):

    shell.set --enabled true
  3. Run this command to launch the shell (Note: This command is applicable if you are in Appliance shell):

  4. Run this command to change directories to /bin:

    cd /bin
  5. Run this command to list the vCenter Server Appliance services:

    service-control --list
  6. Run this command to stop a specific service:

    service-control --stop servicename
  7. You may also stop all services by typing the command:

    service-control --stop --all
  8. To perform a dry run of the command, add the option --dry-run to the command. This will display what actions the command will run without executing the actions. For example, type the command:
Note: This step is valid for vCSA 6.0 only.

service-control --stop --all --dry-run

Restarting vCenter Server and/or Platform Services Controller services

To restart a vCenter Server Appliance service using the vSphere Web Client:

  1. Log in to the vSphere Web Client with a vCenter Single Sign-on administrator account.
  2. Navigate to Administration > Deployment > System Configuration.
  3. Click Nodes, select the vCenter Server Appliance node and click the Related Objects tab.
  4. Right-click on the service you want to restart and select Restart.

To restart a vCenter Server and/or Platform Services Controller service using the command-line:

  1. Log in as root through an SSH or console session on the vCenter Server Appliance.
  2. Run this command to enable the shell (Note: This command is applicable only for vCenter Server Appliance 6.0):

    shell.set --enabled true
  3. Run this command to launch the shell (Note: This command is applicable if you are in Appliance shell):

  4. Run this command to change directories to /bin:

    cd /bin
  5. Run this command to list the vCenter Server Appliance services:

    service-control --list
  6. Run this command to stop a specific service:

    service-control --stop servicename
  7. You may also stop all services by typing the command:

    service-control --stop --all
  8. Run this command to start a specific service:

    service-control --start servicename
  9. You may also start all services by typing the command:

    service-control --start --all

Additional Information

VMware Skyline Health Diagnostics for vSphere - FAQ

vCenter Server 7.x services:


VMware Service Lifecycle Manager


VMware Service Lifecycle Manager API


VMware Authentication Framework


VMware Directory Service


VMware Certificate Service


VMware Lookup Service


VMware Service Control Agent


VMware Security Token Service


VMware HTTP Reverse Proxy


VMware Envoy Proxy


VMware vSphere ESXi Dump Collector


VMware vAPI Endpoint


VMware vCenter-Services


VMware Performance Charts


VMware Appliance Management Service


VMware Appliance Monitoring Service


VMware License Service


VMware Postgres


VMware Postgres Archiver


VMware vSphere Distrubuted Tracing Collector


VMware vCenter Server


VMware ESX Agent Manager


VMware vService Manager


VMware vSphere Profile-Driven Storage Service


VMware Platform Services Controller Health Monitor


VMware vSphere Auto Deploy Waiter


VMware Content Library Service


VMware Image Builder Manager


Likewise Service Manager


VMware vSphere Authentication Proxy


VMware vCenter High Availability


VMware Update Manager


VMware VSAN Health Service


VMware vSphere Client


VMware Hybrid VC Service


VMware Trust Management Service


VMware Certificate Management Service


VMware Certificate Authority Service


VMware Patching and Host Management Service


VMware vCenter Lifecycle API


VMware Analytics Service


VMware Topology Service


VMware Infraprofile Service


Workload Control Plane


VMware vTsdb Service


VMware vStats Service


VMware VCSA Observability Service


VMware VCSA Observability VAPI Service

vCenter Server Appliance Services:
Service Name Description
applmgmt VMware Appliance Management Service
vmware-cis-license VMware License Service
vmware-cm VMware Component Manager
vmware-eam VMware ESX Agent Manager
vmware-sts-idmd VMware Identity Management Service
vmware-invsvc VMware Inventory Service
vmware-mbcs VMware Message Bus Configuration Service
vmware-netdumper VMware vSphere ESXi Dump Collector
vmware-perfcharts VMware Performance Charts
vmware-rbd-watchdog VMware vSphere Auto Deploy Waiter
vmware-rhttpproxy VMware HTTP Reverse Proxy
vmware-sca VMware Service Control Agent
vmware-sps VMware vSphere Profile-Driven Storage Service
vmware-stsd VMware Security Token Service
vmware-syslog VMware Common Logging Service
vmware-syslog-health VMware Syslog Health Service
vmware-vapi-endpoint VMware vAPI Endpoint
vmware-vdcs VMware Content Library Service
vmafdd VMware Authentication Framework
vmcad VMware Certificate Service
vmdird VMware Directory Service
vmware-vpostgres VMware Postgres
vmware-vpx-workflow VMware vCenter Workflow Manager
vmware-vpxd VMware vCenter Server
vmware-vsm VMware vService Manager
vsphere-client vSphere Web Client
vmware-vws VMware System and Hardware Health Manager
vmware-vsan-health VMware vSAN Health Service
For more commands see, VMware Docs.