TDM Portal Publish Error: Call to ConnectionManagerService failed
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TDM Portal Publish Error: Call to ConnectionManagerService failed


Article ID: 4830


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CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


When trying to do a publish with the TDM Portal, I am receiving the following error message:
Publish failed for job xxxx, Call to ConnectionManagerService failed: : HttpClientErrorException: 404 Not Found


Error message = Call to ConnectionManagerService failed with error: Connection profile not found.;
Error detail = Connection profile was not found or not shared or is not compatible. Oracle profiles must use an EZConnect String and other profiles must be DSN-Less.


The same publish through Datamaker works and I have verified that the connection to the Portal is working.

Jobs are successful when I submit them as an administrator.


CA Test Data Manager (TDM)- Web Portal


In order to identify the root cause, you will need to enable debugging in the Portal, recreate the issue, and then analyze the logs (specifically TDMConnectionProfileManager.log).
Here are directions on how to enable debugging:

There are a few possible causes for this error message:

  • The Portal may not be able to find the connection profile referenced in the publish.
  • The user is not linked to the connection profile being used in the publish.
  • If you are using Oracle, you might not be using an EZ_Connect String
  • You may not be using a DSN-Less connection profile. 
  • The connection profile may be configured improperly. 
  • The connection profile being used in TDM Portal has the same database and schema as a profile in Datamaker, despite having a different name. If the tables are registered through one profile name in Datamaker, but the Portal name is different, this could cause an issue.



Here are several possible resolutions based on the possible causes listed above:

User not linked to connection profile:

  • Make sure the user is added to a user group from the "Configuration" -> "User groups" menu in the portal.
    1. Click on the relevant user group and then click "Users" and "Add User".
    2. Select the user name you wish to add to the group and save the settings.
    3. From the "Configuration" -> "Connection Profiles" menu, click on the relevant connection profile(s) and select the user groups used in (1) above, that you wish to link the profile with.
    4. Click "Add". When all required profiles have been added, click "Done".
    5. Retest the publish.

Connection profile has same DB and schema as Datamaker:

  1. Unregister the table in Datamaker.
  2. Re-register the tables using the same profile name that is used TDM portal.
  3. Retest the publish.

Unable to find connection profile:

  1. Update the default publish through Datamaker.
  2. Verify the profile is visible in the Portal.
  3. Retest the publish.

Using Oracle:

  1. Update the profile details so that the Oracle DB name is in the EZ_Connect format.
    • The TDM Portal takes the new format of Java-based connection strings in EZ_Connect format.
  2. Retest the publish.

General Connection Configuration:
Ensure the Connection profile is configured as DNS-Less ODBC.

No conflicting Connection Profile in DataMaker and Portal:
If the user trying to access a DNS-Less connection profile in Portal has created an ODBC connection profile with same name and same data source, it may have issues mapping to the right one when used in Portal. To resolve this, first, check the connection profile in the repository with a particular name (prof_name) in "gtrep_profile" table and delete the ODBC one that is conflicting. Instead of each user creating their own profile for the same datasource, the connection profile can be shared at the User Group level to make it available for all members of that group.

More specific error message:
In TDM 4.1+ we have fixed the 404 error message with a more instructive message:
Connection profile was not found or not shared or is not compatible. Oracle profiles must use an EZConnect String and other profiles must be DSN-Less.

Additional Information

If you experience any further issues, please open a support case by going to