TDM Portal: How to enable debugging for TDM Portal
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TDM Portal: How to enable debugging for TDM Portal


Article ID: 9851


Updated On:


CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


If you are experiencing any issues with the TDM web portal, and want more information on the most probable cause, Support will need to look at the log files for details.
The following sections will explain in detail how to start the DEBUG mode in the logging process.
This can be very helpful to find out where things are going wrong.

The logs of all the portal services running in the background are created as soon as the portal is up and running.
TDM uses logback methodology for logging purposes.  
As with other logging frameworks, it also supports the following logging levels: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN & ERROR.

Out of this, DEBUG mode is best suited to get as much information as possible in the log files.



TDM Web Portal
Test Data Manager


1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\CA\CA Test Data Manager Portal\conf to find the logback-tdm.xml file.
2. Open this file in notepad++, Wordpad, or any editor of your choice. (You  may need to copy this file to another location to make any changes and replace it back in the original location once the file is edited)

3. The logger tag which can be found near the bottom of the file needs to be uncommented. Make sure name = "" and the level = "DEBUG".

Once edited it should look like:
<logger name="" level="DEBUG" />.

Make sure to save the changes to the file.

4. Stop the "CA Test Data Manager Portal" service.
5. Delete all log files under C:\ProgramData\CA\CA Test Data Manager Portal\logs or move them to another directory if they are needed, so that there is a clean set of logs only related to the test.
6. Start the "CA Test Data Manager Portal" service, and once all sub-processes have been started (TDMWeb is usually the last one to start, and you can check it in the mentioned logs directory),
     please check the logs to ensure that they show DEBUG information.
7. Reproduce the problem.
8. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\CA\CA Test Data Manager Portal\ and make a zip file of logs folder and send to support for debugging purposes.


Additional Information

If you face any issues or have any questions about the steps, please open a support case by going to or by calling customer care at