NSX Manager cluster intermittently degraded due to Proton or Compactor running Out Of Memory
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NSX Manager cluster intermittently degraded due to Proton or Compactor running Out Of Memory


Article ID: 377593


Updated On:


VMware NSX


  • Environment has been upgraded from 3.0/3.1 to 3.2.x/4.x
  • Proton wrapper logs may show out of memory 

21122:STATUS | wrapper | [TIMESTAMP] | The JVM has run out of memory.  Requesting thread dump.
21128:STATUS | wrapper | [TIMESTAMP] | The JVM has run out of memory.  Requesting thread dump.
21137:STATUS | wrapper | [TIMESTAMP] | The JVM has run out of memory.  Requesting thread dump.
21143:STATUS | wrapper | [TIMESTAMP] | The JVM has run out of memory.  Requesting thread dump.

  • Compactor logs may show out of memory

# java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
# -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="gzip -f /image/core/compactor_oom.hprof"
#   Executing /bin/sh -c "gzip -f /image/core/compactor_oom.hprof"...
Aborting due to java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  INVALID (0xe0000000) at pc=0x0000000000000000, pid=14350, tid=[TID]
#  fatal error: OutOfMemory encountered: Java heap space
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Zulu (8.0_301-b02) (build 1.8.0_301-b02)
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.301-b02 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
# Core dump written. Default location: //core or core.14350

  • Compactor logs show the ApiTracker table (UUID ########-####-####-####-#######4297a) has a large number of entries 500K >. Example below shows 5 million entries.

[TIMESTAMP] | INFO  |              Cmpt-chkpter-9000 |   o.c.runtime.CheckpointWriter | appendCheckpoint: completed checkpoint for ########-####-####-####-#######4297a, entries(5000000), cpSize([SIZE]) bytes at snapshot Token(epoch=[EPOCH], sequence=[SEQ .No]) in [TIME TO PROCESS] ms



VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.2.x
VMware NSX 4.x


The upgrade caused invalid data to be added to the EntityDeletionMarker table. As a result of this invalid data, the maintenance job that routinely cleans up ApiTracker fails.



If this issue is encountered, please open a case with Broadcom Support and reference this KB.

Additional Information

If you are contacting Broadcom support about this issue, please provide the following:

  • Retrieve log bundles from all NSX Managers involved

  • On all NSX Managers, please SSH with root and run:

    • df -h (please provide a screenshot) 

    • cat /config/corfu/LAYOUT_CURRENT.ds

Handling Log Bundles for offline review with Broadcom support