Quick links:
Generate a support bundle from the User Interface (UI)
Use the steps below to generate a support bundle (log bundle) from the User Interface of VMware Aria Operations (on-prem).
- Log in to the VMware Aria Operations UI.
- Navigate to the Administration > Support Bundles page, or Administration > Support > Support Bundles page for older versions.
- Click Add and select the desired bundle type:
- Light support bundle - includes 24 hours of logs.
- Full support bundle - includes full log and charts.
- Select the nodes to include in the support bundle, then click OK to generate the support bundle.
After the bundle has completed, you may download the file, then upload it to VMware Technical Support. For more information, see
Uploading files to cases on the Broadcom Support Portal.
Note: The slice information bundle download triggers a pop-up and some browsers may block this. Ensure to disable your pop-up blocker for the VMware Aria Operations site to ensure that all information is downloaded appropriately.
Note: If the cluster is offline and the VMware Aria Operations product UI is inaccessible, a log bundle can still be generated from the Admin UI if it is still accessible. Otherwise, proceed to the next section.
Generate a support bundle through the console or command line
If the user interface is inaccessible, you can generate the support bundle (log bundle) through the console or command line of VMware Aria Operations (on-prem).
- Generating a support bundle through the console or command line is done on a per node basis. Repeat this process on all nodes, or Cloud Proxies that you wish to collect a support bundle from.
- SSH is not enabled by default. For more information on enabling SSH, see Enabling SSH access in vRealize Operations.
- The generateSupportBundle.py script runs with these default options:
action: -a=create
filter: -f=1,2,3 (all logs,configs and support dumps; clusterInfo not included)
timestamp: -t=1394913286423 (current time in milliseconds)
Option: m=false so all log files will be downloaded, so support bundle may be large.
- By default, a full log bundle is generated. To Generate a light log bundle, add the -m flag to the command.
Example: python generateSupportBundle.py -m
- All available options for running the script can be viewed by running this command:
python generateSupportBundle.py -h
vRealize Operations Manager 7.0 and later
Use the following steps for vRealize Operations Manager 7.0 - 7.5, vRealize Operations 8.0 - 8.10, and VMware Aria Operations 8.12 and later.
- Log into the primary node as root via SSH or Console.
- Navigate to the tools directory by using this command:
cd /usr/lib/vmware-vcopssuite/utilities/bin/
- Run the generateSupportBundle.py script using this command:
python generateSupportBundle.py
- The resulting support bundle will be placed in the /usr/lib/vmware-vcops/support/timestamp directory.
Generate a support bundle from a Cloud Proxy node
Use the following steps to generate a support bundle from a VMware Aria Operations Cloud Proxy node, available in VMware Aria Operations (SaaS) or vRealize Operations 8.4 and later.
- Log into the Cloud Proxy as root via SSH or Console.
- Run the following command to generate a support bundle:
vRealize Operations 8.5 and Later and VMware Aria Operations (SaaS)
cprc-cli -sb IS_HEAVY
Note: Replace
true or
false (case sensitive) depending if you want the journal.ctl logs included in the support bundle.
Example: cprc-cli -sb true or cprc-cli -sb false
- The resulting support bundle will be placed in the following location:
- VMware Aria Operations 8.12 and Later and VMware Aria Operations (SaaS)
- /storage/core/vmware-vrops-cprc/support