This is a Quick Install guide for the Oracle Database Server
For the full "DLP Quick Install Guides" please visit the following link: DLP Quick Install Guides
This is a quick install guide for an Oracle Standard installation
VERSION DISCLAIMER: <DLPversion> = 15.8, 16.0, 16.0.1 or 16.0.2 |
Note: Username and Passwords provided below are for example only, choose your own values to match your company requirements.
Download the Oracle Software:
Oracle 19c Implementation Guide: This is found in the DLP Platform Package "Symantec_DLP_<DLPversion>_Platform_Win-IN_<DLPfullversion>.zip"
Stand Alone Installation: When installing Oracle on its own server, please note that you MUST install the Oracle Client on the Enforce Server.
Downloading the Oracle Tools: Extract the "Symantec_DLP_<DLPversion>_Platform_Win-IN_<DLPfullversion>.zip" file
1 - Browse the installation directory for "DLP\<DLPversion>\New_Installs\Oracle_Configuration\<ORACLEversion>_64_bit_Installation_Tools_Win"
2 - Create the following directory…
3 - Unzip the "<ORACLEversion>" into the new "C:\Oracle_Installers\Tools" directory
Open Firewall Ports:
Quick Configuration Guide for Windows Firewall
Installing Oracle:
1 - Create the "C:\oracle\product\<ORACLEversion>\db1" directory
2 - Copy the contents of the "WINDOWS.X64_<ORACLEversion>" into the "C:\oracle\product\<ORACLEversion>\db1" directory
3 - Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable
Creating Environment Variables Quick Install Guide
4 - Open CMD (Administrator)
6 - Run the "setup.exe"
setup.exe -noconfig -responseFile C:\Oracle_Installers\tools\responsefiles\singleinstance\Oracle_<ORACLEversion>_Standard_Edition_Installation_WIN.rsp
Create a New Windows User:
Username: oracle
Password: <Your Oracle Home Windows Password>
Set the Oracle Base directory
Oracle Base: C:\oracle
Software Location: ** Make sure this is set correctly and matches the directory you extracted the Oracle Database into **
Click Install
Now that Oracle is installed, we need to prepare it for DLP...
Create the DLP Database:
1 - Copy the database template file "Oracle_<ORACLEversion>_Template_for_64_bit_WIN" into the Oracle "C:\oracle\product\<ORACLEversion>\db_1\assistants\dbca\templates" directory.
Source: C:\Oracle_Installers\Tools\templates\singleinstance\Oracle_<ORACLEversion>_Template_for_64_bit_WIN.dbt
Destination: C:\oracle\product\<ORACLEversion>\db_1\assistants\dbca\templates
2 - Open CMD (Administrator)
3 - Run the following command...
%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\dbca -createDatabase -ProgressOnly -responseFile "C:\Oracle_Installers\Tools\responsefiles\singleinstance\Oracle_<ORACLEversion>_DBCA_WIN.rsp"
Enter SYS Password: <Your SYS Password> ** This is to CREATE the "SYS" password for the Database
Enter SYSTEM Password: <Your SYSTEM Password> ** This is to CREATE the "SYSTEM" password for the Database
Enter Oracle Home User Password: <Your Oracle Home Windows Password> ** This is the password for the user account that you created or used during the Oracle Installation
** Note: If you are having problems at this stage, it likely means you are lacking the necessary permissions. You can use Process Monitor to help identify local permissions issues if necessary.
** Memory warning message is due to the limited resources in the Broadcom lab environment and did not prevent the deployment.
Configure the TNS Listener:
1 - If logged in as a Domain User, modify the sqlnet.ora file. Modify the value from NTS to None.
Path: %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin\sqlnet.ora
Launch the Oracle Network Configuration Assistant (netca):
2 - Open CMD (Administrator)
Oracle Home Password: <Your Oracle Home Windows Password>
Create the Local NET Service Name configuration
Hostname: This is the hostname of your Oracle Server
3 - Click the "Finish" button to complete the configuration.
Verify the tnsnames.ora
Path: %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin\tnsnames.ora
Modify the "listener.ora" file:
1 - Open CMD (Administrator)
lsnrctl stop
2 - Open the "listener.ora" file
Path: %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin\listener.ora
3 - Modify the "KEY=EXTPROC1521" value to "KEY=PROTECT"
4 - Add the following line to the end of the "listener.ora" file
5 - Save the changes and Exit
6 - restart the listener
lsnrctl start
7 - Connect to the database as sysdba
sqlplus sys as sysdba
8 - Run the following commands
9 - Verify the changes to the listener.ora
- Open CMD (Administrator)
lsnrctl services
Create the Oracle User account for Symantec Data Loss Prevention
1 - Open CMD (Administrator)
2 - CD C:\Oracle_Installers\Tools
3 - Run the following command to log into SQLPlus and run the "oracle_create_user.sql" script
sqlplus /nolog @oracle_create_user.sql
SYS: <Your SYS Password>
Service Name: protect
Required username to be created: protect
Password for new username: <Your PROTECT Password>
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01918: user 'PROTECT' does not exist
This is expected behavior.
4 - Verify the user
sqlplus protect/protect@protect
SELECT tablespace_name FROM user_tablespaces;
- Close out the existing CMD window
5 - Open a new CMD (Administrator)
6 - Login with the following credentials
sqlplus sys as sysdba
7 - Run the following command
And don't forget to open your firewall See
Quick install guide Configure Windows Firewall to allow connections to Oracle