Oracle 19c Quick Install Guide for Windows
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Oracle 19c Quick Install Guide for Windows


Article ID: 270005


Updated On:


Data Loss Prevention Oracle Standard Edition 2


This is a Quick Install guide for the Oracle Database Server

For the full "DLP Quick Install Guides" please visit the following link: DLP Quick Install Guides




This is a quick install guide for an Oracle Standard installation


Please note that the following instructions are version agnostic, and can generally be used on any currently supported version. As such you will find several variables denoted such as "<DLPversion>" to indicate where a version number "should" be used. You will need to replace these variables with the appropriate version that you are attempting to use. Below are a few examples of such translations...

<DLPversion>  = 15.8, 16.0, 16.0.1 or 16.0.2
<DLPfullversion>  = 16.0.10000.60631
<ORACLEversion>  = 193000 or
<JREversion> = jdk8u322-b06 or 8u322b06

Note: Username and Passwords provided below are for example only, choose your own values to match your company requirements.

Download the Oracle Software:

Oracle 19c Implementation Guide: This is found in the DLP Platform Package "Symantec_DLP_<DLPversion>_Platform_Win-IN_<DLPfullversion>.zip"

Stand Alone Installation: When installing Oracle on its own server, please note that you MUST install the Oracle Client on the Enforce Server.

Downloading the Oracle Tools: Extract the "Symantec_DLP_<DLPversion>_Platform_Win-IN_<DLPfullversion>.zip" file
   1  - Browse the installation directory for "DLP\<DLPversion>\New_Installs\Oracle_Configuration\<ORACLEversion>_64_bit_Installation_Tools_Win"
   2  - Create the following directory…
   3  - Unzip the "<ORACLEversion>" into the new "C:\Oracle_Installers\Tools" directory 

Open Firewall Ports:
     Quick Configuration Guide for Windows Firewall

Installing Oracle: 
    1 - Create the "C:\oracle\product\<ORACLEversion>\db1" directory
    2 - Copy the contents of the "WINDOWS.X64_<ORACLEversion>" into the "C:\oracle\product\<ORACLEversion>\db1" directory
    3 - Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable
          Creating Environment Variables Quick Install Guide
    4 - Open CMD (Administrator)
    5 - CD %ORACLE_HOME%
    6 - Run the "setup.exe"
          setup.exe -noconfig -responseFile C:\Oracle_Installers\tools\responsefiles\singleinstance\Oracle_<ORACLEversion>_Standard_Edition_Installation_WIN.rsp


Create a New Windows User:
     Username: oracle
     Password: <Your Oracle Home Windows Password>

Set the Oracle Base directory
     Oracle Base: C:\oracle
     Software Location: ** Make sure this is set correctly and matches the directory you extracted the Oracle Database into **


Click Install


Now that Oracle is installed, we need to prepare it for DLP...

Create the DLP Database:
   1  - Copy the database template file "Oracle_<ORACLEversion>_Template_for_64_bit_WIN" into the Oracle "C:\oracle\product\<ORACLEversion>\db_1\assistants\dbca\templates" directory.
          Source: C:\Oracle_Installers\Tools\templates\singleinstance\Oracle_<ORACLEversion>_Template_for_64_bit_WIN.dbt
          Destination: C:\oracle\product\<ORACLEversion>\db_1\assistants\dbca\templates
   2  - Open CMD (Administrator)
   3  - Run the following command...
          %ORACLE_HOME%\bin\dbca -createDatabase -ProgressOnly -responseFile "C:\Oracle_Installers\Tools\responsefiles\singleinstance\Oracle_<ORACLEversion>_DBCA_WIN.rsp"
Enter SYS Password: <Your SYS Password>                  ** This is to CREATE the "SYS" password for the Database
Enter SYSTEM Password: <Your SYSTEM Password>          ** This is to CREATE the "SYSTEM" password for the Database
Enter Oracle Home User Password: <Your Oracle Home Windows Password>          ** This is the password for the user account that you created or used during the Oracle Installation
** Note: If you are having problems at this stage, it likely means you are lacking the necessary permissions. You can use Process Monitor to help identify local permissions issues if necessary.

** Memory warning message is due to the limited resources in the Broadcom lab environment and did not prevent the deployment.

Configure the TNS Listener:
    1 - If logged in as a Domain User, modify the sqlnet.ora file. Modify the value from NTS to None.
          Path: %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin\sqlnet.ora

Launch the Oracle Network Configuration Assistant (netca):
   2  - Open CMD (Administrator)
     Oracle Home Password: <Your Oracle Home Windows Password>


Create the Local NET Service Name configuration

     Hostname: This is the hostname of your Oracle Server

    3 - Click the "Finish" button to complete the configuration.

Verify the tnsnames.ora
     Path: %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin\tnsnames.ora

Modify the "listener.ora" file:
    1 - Open CMD (Administrator)
          lsnrctl stop
    2 - Open the "listener.ora" file
          Path: %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin\listener.ora
    3 - Modify the "KEY=EXTPROC1521" value to "KEY=PROTECT"
    4 - Add the following line to the end of the "listener.ora" file
   5  - Save the changes and Exit
   6  - restart the listener
          lsnrctl start
   7  - Connect to the database as sysdba
           sqlplus sys as sysdba
   8  - Run the following commands
    9 - Verify the changes to the listener.ora
          - Open CMD (Administrator)
          lsnrctl services


Create the Oracle User account for Symantec Data Loss Prevention
    1 - Open CMD (Administrator)
    2 - CD C:\Oracle_Installers\Tools
    3 - Run the following command to log into SQLPlus and run the "oracle_create_user.sql" script
          sqlplus /nolog @oracle_create_user.sql
          SYS: <Your SYS Password>
          Service Name: protect
          Required username to be created: protect
          Password for new username: <Your PROTECT Password>


ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01918: user 'PROTECT' does not exist

This is expected behavior.

   4  - Verify the user
          sqlplus protect/protect@protect

          SELECT tablespace_name FROM user_tablespaces;
          - Close out the existing CMD window

   5  - Open a new CMD (Administrator)
   6  - Login with the following credentials
          sqlplus sys as sysdba

    7 - Run the following command
          SELECT BANNER_FULL FROM v$version;

And don't forget to open your firewall See 

Quick install guide Configure Windows Firewall to allow connections to Oracle

Additional Information