CA Gen Host Encyclopedia Screen Generation Standard and Enhanced Map options
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CA Gen Host Encyclopedia Screen Generation Standard and Enhanced Map options


Article ID: 9360


Updated On:


Gen Gen - Workstation Toolset Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen - Run Time Distributed



Enhanced and Standard map screens generated on the Host Encyclopedia can be set by user or globally. This document will describe how and where the settings are located and include code examples to determine if a screen was generated with enhanced or standard map.


z/OS Host Encyclopedia


There are two map options for screen generation in CA Gen:

• In Standard map the screen is read in one line at a time.

• In Enhanced map the entire screen is read at one time which makes this option more efficient.

Screen and/or program code do not always work together with Enhanced map if screens were built with Standard map in earlier releases of Gen. Standard map was retained for this reason.

Generally when screen problems occur, changing from Enhanced to Standard or vice versa will resolve the problem.



There is a global setting. This setting can be overwritten by the user on the Application System Construction Menu option 8. Screen generator options. Here there are three options:

E.  Enhanced     Use enhanced screen generator 
S.  Standard     Use standard screen generator 
D.  Default      Use installation default 

Set as desired to Enhanced or Standard. If Default is selected, it will take the global setting. The global setting is described below. This setting will be saved in the users ISPF profile for future use. Note that if the setting by a user differs from the default setting, the user setting prevails. This setting is for all models and business systems. Again, it will be saved in the user ISPF profile when the user logs off and retrieved for use when the user logs on again to the Host Encyclopedia.


In Gen 8.x and after, the global default for map generation selection is located in the Gen PARMLIB(TIRHE) for the Host Encyclopedia and PARMLIB(TIRIT) for the z/OS IT. The setting default is ENHANCED MAP. This is for all models and business systems unless overwritten by the user.

PARMLIB ---- See member TIRHE or TIRIT

/* MAP GENERATOR SELECTION                              
/* *****************************************************
   SET TIMAPSEL = 2                                     

Additional Information

ENHANCED / STANDARD Generated Source Code

The header portion of the generated code can be viewed to determine if Enhanced or Standard map was used. Below are examples of code generation for Enhanced and Standard map screens. Note the difference in the presentation of the flower box for Enhanced map code generation. See the screen source in your generated source code library. This library can be found in the Specify Construction Libraries and then Specify Internal Libraries.

ENHANCED MAP Generated Source Code
* ************************************************************ 
*                   Source code generated by                   
*                             CA Gen r8                        
*          Copyright (c) 2010 CA. All rights reserved.         
* Model name .............. LKJ SAMPLE R8                      
* Business system name .... CORPORATE_MANAGEMENT               
* Screen name ............. EMPLOYEE_DETAIL                    
* Panel/Member name ....... DETSCRN                            
* Screen object id ........ 1573914423                         
* Generator version ....... 02.11600218                        
* Generator Build ......... 02004                              
* Extended attributes ..... YES                                
* Date of generation ...... Wednesday, December 29, 2010       
* Time of generation ...... 10:27:10 am                        
* Dynamic link (z/OS) used bus sys default of "No"             
* ************************************************************ 
STANDARD MAP Generated Source Code
*                    Source Code Generated by                   
*                           CA Gen r8                           
*          Copyright (c) 2010 CA. All rights reserved.          
*    NAME: MAINTAIN_DEPARTMENT              DATE: 2010/12/29    
*    TARGET OS:   MVS                       TIME: 10:30:14      
*    TARGET DBMS: DB2                                           
*    Generation Options:                                 
*    TP Monitor: CICS                                    
*    Screen Format Type: BYPASS                          
*    Extended Attributes: ALL                            
*    Dynamic link (z/OS) used bus sys default of "No"    
*    Runtime Functions Referenced:                       
*    TIRIBUF = identify input message                    
*    TIROBUF = open an output buffer                     
*    TIRCBUF = close an output buffer                    
*    TIREDI  = extract data from an edited field         
*    TIREDO  = edit data into a displayable field        
*    TIRGFLD = find a field in the input stream          
*    TIRPFLD = add a field to the output stream          
*              including attribute processing            
*    TIRPBUF = write a buffer to the screen or printer   
*    TIRMFPA = Map Field Prompt Attribute processor      