Unable to open probes in IM due to error Cannot create CNimPackageEditor (1)
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Unable to open probes in IM due to error Cannot create CNimPackageEditor (1)


Article ID: 8878


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM) Unified Infrastructure Management for Mainframe


I have been able to login to the IM we have configured, however when I try to open a probe, such as controller, net_connect, etc, this NimList error is displayed:  Cannot create CNimPackageEditor (1)


  • DX UIM Version: UIM 20.3, and 20.4 GA, up to CU4
  • Infrastructure Manager v4.10 (Revision 1.0)
  • Tested and confirmed working on Windows 2016 and 2019


  • Problem with the existing Infrastructure Manager install
  • New Infrastructure Manager (IM) installs


1. Deploy the following packages to the system where IM is installed:



The Visual C++ 2008 version of vcredist_x86.exe and vcredist_x64.exe are a hard requirement!  Installing the other Visual C++ versions (2012, 2017, etc.) will NOT correct this error.

     You MUST obtain and install them at this Microsoft url:  https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=26368

     The IM console REQUIRES the vs2008 redistributables to be installed BEFORE running the IM (NimBUS Manager.exe) installation.


2. Uninstall DX UIM (Nimsoft) Infrastructure Manager on the problem machine (via Windows Control Panel->Uninstall Programs)

3. Uninstall 'SOAP-runtime-TK3' package

4. Reboot the machine where IM is installed

5. Login with local Administrator rights

6. Disable any Anti-virus as it could be interfering with the installer

7. Install IM (NimBUS Manager.exe) via Rt-click 'Run As Administrator'

8. Open the IM client application

9. Login to IM with username and password

10. Open a probe to confirm the error is resolved

Additional Information

For DX UIM 20.4 GA (up to CU4) installations, the NimBUS Manager.exe package is attached to this KB Article for your download convenience.


Install Infrastructure Manager

IM install on Windows fails with the "Not all ocx/dll files registered properly" error



NimBUS Manager_20.4GA_1689192985557.exe get_app