Tasks/Milestones added to Timeline view are not Preserved
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Tasks/Milestones added to Timeline view are not Preserved


Article ID: 6641


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


In the Microsoft Project (MSP) New Driver, any tasks/milestones added to the Timeline view are not preserved after saving the project to Clarity and reopening the project from Clarity to MSP.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a project in Clarity with one task
  2. Export the project to MSP
  3. Go to the View tab, then click the check box next to 'Timeline'
  4. Double click in the Timeline section
  5. Select the check box next to the task you just created and click 'OK'
    (Observe that the task is now visible in the MSP timeline)
  6. Save the project back to Clarity
  7. Export the project from Clarity to MSP
  8. Go back to the View tab, then click the check box next to 'Timeline'

Expected Results: The task you added to the Timeline in Step 5 is still visible in the Timeline section

Actual Results: The task is no longer visible in the Timeline section


This issue applies to the MSP New Driver.


This issue is caused by a Microsoft Project limitation.


This issue is due to a Microsoft Project limitation with XML. This is verified by testing with Microsoft Project Standalone using the following steps:

  1. Create a new project in MSP with one task
  2. Go to the View tab, then click the check box next to 'Timeline'
  3. Double click in the Timeline section
  4. Select the check box next to the task you just created and click 'OK'
    (Observe that the task is now visible in the MSP timeline)
  5. Save the project as a XML file using File->Save As in MSP ('Save as type' should be XML)
  6. Open the XML created in step 5 in MSP
  7. Go back to the View tab, then click the check box next to 'Timeline'

Expected Results: The task you added to the Timeline in Step 4 is still visible in the Timeline section

Actual Results: The task is no longer visible in the Timeline section

Additional Information