After installing an option in options manager using a secondary, or app server, rather than by logging into the webengine on the primary, or background server, the option shows a status of "in progress" and never shows as "installed" even after a recycle of services.
CA Service Desk Manager 12.9, 14.1 and above
Use SQL Management Studio, or Oracle Enterprise Manager (or other DBMS tool) to run the following query:
select * from options where action_status='In Progress'
This will output a list of all options that are not installed properly, and are stuck in the "in progress" status. You may want to copy and paste this list into notepad or a spreadsheet so that you can refer to it later.
Next, run the following update statement to set the status on all of those options that are stuck in an "In Progress" status, to "Not Installed":
update options set action_status='Not Installed' where action_status='In Progress'
Then, log into the webengine on the primary, or background server, and go through the options that you want installed to re-install them.
Note: Some options will require a recycle of CA Service Desk services in order to invoke the changes.
KB Article 4020: Option installation stuck as "In Progress" during SDM product update
For more information on using Options Manager, please review the following documentation:
Install/Uninstall Options Manager Options