Troubleshooting NSX Backup and Restore Failures
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Troubleshooting NSX Backup and Restore Failures


Article ID: 373896


Updated On: 03-04-2025


VMware NSX


When troubleshooting NSX Backup and Restore failures, a specific set of data must be gathered at the time of the event. This article details what documentation is required and how to gather it prior to opening a support request with Broadcom.


VMware NSX 4.x
VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.x


Ensure the backup server is a supported software and a supported version. In addition, be sure the ciphers the SFTP server supports match the list of supported ciphers for the NSX version in use.

NSX supports specific SFTP servers and software:

SSH finger print of a remote server - This is used to ensure the NSX Manager can authenticate properly with the correct SFTP server.

Restore Documentation

Pertinent Log Files (for backup and restore operations)

NSX Manager

  • /var/log/syslog 
  • /var/log/proton/nsxapi.log
  • /var/log/nvpapi/api_server.log

Known issues with Backup or Restore operations:

Additional Information

Backup operations

  • Have no impact on the manager or the datapath functionality of the NSX environment. 
  • Require IP address/FQDN of backup server
  • Require SFTP server username/password
  • Require a backup passphrase (backups will not begin if no passphrase is provided)

Restore operations

  • Require a new NSX Manager appliance to be deployed with the same FQDN and IP address of the Manager Node the backup came from
  • The new appliance MUST be of the same version/build number of the original backup 
    • Example:   /home/localadmin/backup/NSX/cluster-node-backups/
    • Explained: /<backup>/<server>/<directory>/<name>/cluster-node-backups/<NSX-Manager-Node-Version>-<Manager Node ID>-<Manager IP Address>/backup-<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>T<HH>_<MM>_<SS>UTC/
    • Appliance build number is part of the backup folder structure
  • What to expect during a restore operation
    • The manager may reboot multiple times during the restore
    • The GUI may become inaccessible multiple times during the restore
    • Do not manually reboot or interrupt the restore process. Unless the GUI reports the restore has failed, it is moving forward
    • If a restore file has different passwords than the newly deployed OVA, access to the manager's interface may be lost until the original passwords are used.  Ensure the original admin and root user passwords are available as well as the encryption passphrase of the backup being restored
    • After a successful restore, the NSX Manager interface and API call responses may be slow. This is due to indexes being built against the database and /repository directory being synchronized across managers

If you are contacting Broadcom support about this issue, please provide the following:

  • Attempt to perform the backup/restore operation
    • Is it a scheduled backup?
    • Is it a manual backup?
  • Recreate the error
    • Record all steps necessary to recreate the error
    • Record all text of any error messages as it appears in the graphical interface
    • Include timestamps of when the recreation began and when the error occurred
  • Retrieve log bundles from all NSX Managers involved in the backup operation
  • IP address/FQDN of backup server
  • SFTP server username
  • Is the backup server a supported version?
  • Is the SFTP backup user password active?
  • Does the backup server have enough disk space? 

Handling Log Bundles for offline review with Broadcom support