Before you look into submitting a certification request, please reference the below page to check if a device is already certified: DX NetOps Certification Portal
Next, please check if a new certification has been added to the GA product:
New and Updated Technology Certifications
If there is nothing available that meets your needs, obtain the following information before you open a DX Netops Performance Management Certification Request case will allow for streamlining of the process as well as allowing the information to be submitted to the certification team quicker.
All versions of DX Netops Performance Management
We would need the following information to submit a Certification Request:
1) Device information:
2) A sapwalk of the device starting at OID 1.3.6:
sapwalk2 is already installed on each Data Collector at:
Here is some example syntax:
sapwalk2 -i <ip> -v v2c -s 1.3.6. -c <community> -o device_mib.walk
Usage: sapwalk2
-i ip_address
-v snmp_version(v1/v2c/v3)
-s startoid
<-c community for v1/v2c >
<-u username for v3 >
<-l seclevel (nAnP/AnP/AP) for v3 >
[-xt auth type (MD5/SHA) for v3 ]
[-xa auth password for v3 ]
[-xp priv password for v3 ]
[-xn ctxtname for v3 ]
[-xe priv type (DES/3DES/AES128/AES192/AES256)for v3 ]
[-xi ctxtid for v3 (will discover if not specified)]
[-e engineid for v3 (will discover if not specified)]
[-t timeout(msec) ]
[-r retries ]
[-f compare (0/1) ]
[-p snmpport ]
[-d sleep_bet_req(msec) ]
[-m maxlexerrors ]
[-z samples:delay_in_msec:<oidfile> for ratecomputation of counter/gauge variables]
[-o walkoutput filename ]
[-n max num of variables to learn ]
[-xf filename containing oids to be excluded(one per line) ]
[-xr guestimate max rows ]
[-xs source ip ]
[-xy source endpoint (port) ]
[-xv bridge / or vlanstartoid for auto vlan learn]
[-xl save timestamps (0/1) ]
[-xz timestamp threshold (def=10sec)
[-b getbulk flag (0/1) ]
3) The Vendor MIB files.
4) What metrics and/or OIDs are sought to be monitored?
5) Which environment is this device deployed in? (Ex. WAN, Data Center, Campus Network, WLAN, CSP, SDN, Broadband, 5G)?
6) What analysis are you applying this SNMP certification to? (Ex. Noise reduction, proactive alerting, SLA reporting)
7) Approximately how many devices will be using this certification?
8) Are these devices part of the next generation (Software Defined Networking) architecture?
A Certification Request cannot be submitted for review by our Certification Development team until all four of the above components have been provided. Due to the volume of Certification Requests received by our Technical Support and Certification teams this request will remain open for 10 days from the initial submission. If after those 10 days, all of the required information is not provided, this issue will be closed as unresolved.
If at a future date you wish to revisit the Certification Request, please open a new case and submit all required information. If you are having technical difficulties obtaining the required information or are aware of factors that may result in a delay in providing this information, please contact the CA Performance Management Technical Support team at your earliest convenience. A completed certification request can take up to 90 to complete. It will be included in the next available monthly update for DX Netops Performance Management. If you need to check on the progress please open a new case and state the closed case reference that references the submitted certification request.