How to generate a MIB dump using sapwalk2 / sapwalk
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How to generate a MIB dump using sapwalk2 / sapwalk


Article ID: 13592


Updated On:


CA Spectrum CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


When there are problems identified with Metric data from devices seen in DX NetOps products Spectrum, Performance Management or UIM, it is necessary for Broadcom support to simulate this device in our environments and labs to attempt problem replication.

When a Certification Request is submitted, a full MIB dump of the device is required for engineering. It allows them to simulate the device in their lab environments for testing of the new Certification code.

The simulation server used for these tests requires a full MIB dump to work properly. Without it we're unable to properly debug the problem locally, and also unable to properly test new Certification requests before release.

To gather the MIB dump in a format supported by our simulation server we utilized the sapwalk2 tool. It is a utility that takes a snapshot of the device by running an SNMP GETNEXT query.


All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases

All supported DX NetOps Spectrum releases

All supported DX Unified Infrastructure Manager releases


The sapwalk2 utility ships with Spectrum 10.2 and greater (located in the $SPECROOT/bin directory).
For UIM download sapwalk2 from DX UIM - SNMP Device Support ( MIB Walk Utilities section


The sapwalk2 utility is found on Performance Management Data Collector servers. Since the 3.6 release it has been included in the (default path) /opt/IMDataCollector/scripts directory.

The usage can be found by just running "./sapwalk2".

For Spectrum the recommended usage is to start at OID 1 and include the -xv option for the Bridge Table which enables the collection of VLAN information as well (the bridge table for all devices is

   sapwalk2.exe -i <ip address> -v <snmp version> -s <starting oid> -p <port> -c <community name> -xv <bridge table> -t <timeout> -r <retries> -d <throttle_delay> -o <output file>

For Performance Management data validation issues or Certification requests the commands are almost the same. Three minor changes are:

  • The -s <starting_OID> should be 1.3.6.
  • The -xv <bridge_table> flag/argument is not needed. Remove it.
  • As we are running the command on Linux, use sapwalk2 (no.exe extension)

Spectrum example:

sapwalk2.exe -i XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -v v1 -s 1 -c public -xv -t 3000 -r 3 -d 50 -o <CaseNumber>_walk.out

Performance Management example:

sapwalk2 -i XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -v v1 -s -c public -t 3000 -r 3 -d 50 -o <CaseNumber>_walk.out

DX Unified Infrastructure Management (UIM) example:

        sapwalk2.exe -i XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -v v1 -s 1 -c public -t 3000 -r 3 -o <CaseNumber>_walk.out

Example, using SNMP v3:

sapwalk2 -i XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -v v3 -s 1 -u AuthPrivUser -l AP -xt MD5 -xa authpassword -xp privpassword -xe DES -xv -t 3000 -o <CaseNumber>_walk.out


  • -i is the IP address
  • -u is user name                   = <Your_SNMP_v3_user>
  • -l is Authentication Type         = nAnP/AnP/AP (no Authentication No Privacy/ Authentication No Privacy/ Authentication with Privacy)
  • -xt is encryption Type            = MD5/SHA
  • -xa is authentication password    = <Your_SNMP_v3_authen_password>
  • -xp is privacy password           = <Your_SNMP_v3_privacy_Password>
  • -xe is privacy protocol           = DES/3DES/AES128/AES192/AES256
  • -xv is bridge tbl/vlan_start_oid  = Optional


Note: Sometimes, you may need to put the authentication and privacy passwords enclosed in single quotes ( ' ).

Example: sapwalk2 -i XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -v v3 -s 1 -u AuthPrivUser -l AP -xt MD5 -xa 'authpassword' -xp 'privpassword' -xe DES -o <CaseNumber>_walk.out

Additional Information

Note: You need the later versions (2.1x) to enable the -xe (privacy protocol) flag. Spectrum 10.2 and greater ships with this version. Linux versions are listed as;

  • sapwalk2_aes_32bit_linux.gz
  • sapwalk2_aes_64bit_linux.gz
  • sapwalk2_aes_solaris.gz