Unable to log in to Performance Management Portal as the default Admin user
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Unable to log in to Performance Management Portal as the default Admin user


Article ID: 32139


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


Using the default admin user and password unable to log in to the Performance Center UI

Unable to log in to the DX NetOps Portal web UI using the system default admin user.


All supported DX NetOps Performance Management Portal web server releases


If the default password doesn't work, one of two things may have happened.

  1. The default admin user in Portal comes OOTB with Authentication Type set to 'Performance Center'. If this is mistakenly changed to 'External', log in will fail. If there is no other admin user created using the Administrator Role, there will be no ability to gain access to the Portal web UI. This is due to the user trying to authenticate through an external source which fails.
  2. The password was changed and is unknown.


The only way to resolve this is with two MySql queries against the netqosportal DB on the PC host.

REST can't be used at this point since it relies on the admin users log in details to engage the PC host for REST based requests.

Solution for Cause #1: Authentication type changed

To resolve cause number 1 above where the admin users authentication was changed, we will need to update both the Authentication Type and the password for the default admin user to resolve this. This is because when the Authentication Type is set to External, the users password is reset to the encrypted form of a blank password.

In that situation complete the following:

  1. Open a terminal window to the NetOps Portal host and log in as the root, or sudo-root install owner

  2. Go to the directory $NetOps_Portal_HOME/CA/Mysql/bin. The default path would be /opt/CA/Mysql/bin

  3. Connect to MySql by running the command "./mysql -uroot -p".
    • Enter the custom complex mysql password when prompted.

  4. Run these two queries to modify the necessary values and resolve this.
    1. Set the database to be used with the command:
      • use netqosportal;
    2. First the query to set the Authentication Type to the correct value:
      • UPDATE user_definitions SET AuthType=1 where UserId = 1;

    3. Next we update the password back to the default 'admin' password value:
      • For versions prior to 21.2.6:

        UPDATE user_definitions SET Password = '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3' where UserId = 1;


        update user_definitions set password=MD5('NEW-PASSWORD') where name='admin';
      • On 21.2.6 and later:

        UPDATE user_definitions SET Password = 'edbd881f1ee2f76ba0bd70fd184f87711be991a0401fd07ccd4b199665f00761afc91731d8d8ba6cbb188b2ed5bfb465b9f3d30231eb0430b9f90fe91d136648' where UserId = 1;

  5. Once those changes are made, run the command "\q" to exit the MySql prompt.

We should now be able to once more log in to the PC UI as the default admin user using the default password "admin".


Solution for Cause #2: Unknown password, reset required

To resolve cause number 2 we simply reset the admin users password. It's the same solution as above, minus the command to change the authentication type.

In that situation complete the following:

  1. Open a terminal window to the NetOps Portal host and log in as the root, or sudo-root install owner
  2. Go to the directory $NetOps_Portal_HOME/CA/Mysql/bin. The default path would be /opt/CA/Mysql/bin
  3. Connect to MySql by running the command "./mysql -uroot -p".
    • Enter the custom complex mysql password when prompted.
  4. Run this query to modify the password back to the default encrypted value.
    • Set the database to be used with the command:
      • use netqosportal; 
    • For versions prior to 21.2.6:

      UPDATE user_definitions SET Password = '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3' where UserId = 1;


      update user_definitions set password=MD5('NEW-PASSWORD') where name='admin';

    • On 21.2.6 and later:

      UPDATE user_definitions SET Password = 'edbd881f1ee2f76ba0bd70fd184f87711be991a0401fd07ccd4b199665f00761afc91731d8d8ba6cbb188b2ed5bfb465b9f3d30231eb0430b9f90fe91d136648' where UserId = 1;
    •  This will set the password to "admin"
  5. Once that change is made run the command "\q" to exit the MySql prompt.

Additional Information

If still unable to log in to PC/Portal web page, review the /opt/CA/PerformanceCenter/PC/logs/PCService.log file. In case you have entry like this:

WARN  | qtp263696733-28          | 2023-03-01 09:48:03,771 | com.ca.im.portal.services.user.UserAuthenticationServiceImpl
      | Unable to determine auth type for user 'admin' -- UserAuthentication - Account is disabled. 

Run these MySQL commands:

select UserLevel, Name, Enabled from user_definitions where Name = 'Admin';
UPDATE user_definitions SET Enabled = 'Y', UserLevel = '1' where UserId = '1';

OR follow the steps from KB: https://knowledge.broadcom.com/external/article?articleId=248358