processes probe: some processes show empty details in the status tab
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processes probe: some processes show empty details in the status tab


Article ID: 261717


Updated On: 06-27-2023


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


We have deployed the processes probe and noticed that some of the processes that are running on the system, appear in the STATUS tab of the probe with missing / blank information. 



What is causing this?


Release : UIM 20.x, Processes probe any version


Permissions on the processes.


The processes that might not be visible in the Status Tab could be "protected"

Using Microsoft Process Explorer (Microsoft site) and accessing the process properties Security tab you might see that the process is "Protected".

This means that the local user does not have enough permissions on the process to visualize, for example, its correct path. 



An alterntative to check wether if the process is secured/protected is to check the following command in powershell: 

Not protected: (path is returned)

C:\> ps -Name winlogon | select ProcessName, Path

ProcessName Path
----------- ----
winlogon    C:\Windows\system32\winlogon.exe
winlogon    C:\Windows\system32\winlogon.exe


Protected (no path is retuned)

C:\> ps -Name process1 select ProcessName, Path

ProcessName Path
----------- ----



If not path is returned, the probe won't be able to monitor this process


Provide the correct permissions to the monitored process.

Additional Information

Related KB: processes probe: Internal error: Unable to find any processes (