Release : SOI 4.2 CU4
Missing Feature
The attached fix enables editing the timeout
How to apply the fix:
1. Stop SOI Services
2. Move the below files/folders to a backup location:
a. In UI Server machines
<SOI Install Folder>\SamUI\lib\soi.common.sam-4.2.0-ui.jar
<SOI Install Folder>\SamUI\webapps\sam\lib\soi.common.sam-4.2.0-oneclick.jar
b. In SOI Manager machine
<SOI Install Folder>\tomcat\lib\soi.common.sam-4.2.0-manager.jar
3. Copy the new files from the extracted zip file as below:
a. In UI Server machines
<SOI Install Folder>\SamUI\lib\soi.common.sam-4.2.0-ui.jar
<SOI Install Folder>\SamUI\webapps\sam\lib\soi.common.sam-4.2.0-oneclick.jar
b. In SOI Manager machine
<SOI Install Folder>\tomcat\lib\soi.common.sam-4.2.0-manager.jar
4. Update the file eem-config.xml to include the below tag after password tag, the below value sets session timeout to 1 day
a. In UI Server machines at <SOI Install Folder>\SamUI\webapps\sam\eem-config.xml
b. In SOI Manager machine at <SOI Install Folder>\tomcat\webapps\sam\eem-config.xml
5. Add the below entry in <SOI Install Folder>\jsw\conf\soi-user-interface.conf file in UI Server machine after line containing string
6. Add the below entries in <SOI Install Folder>\SamUI\lib\log4j2.xml file:
<Logger name="" level="DEBUG">
<AppenderRef ref="SAMDEBUG" />
<Logger name="" level="DEBUG">
<AppenderRef ref="SAMDEBUG" />
7. Start SOI Services
8. Verify the issue once the Services are up and running
NOTE: ensure that all three timeout are in sync to avoid any conflict:
• The sessionTimeout value at SOI side (as part of eem-config.xml)
• Cache Update Time under Session Configuration on EEM side
• CredentialLifeTime setting in the iAuthority.conf
Related KB:
How do I change the default console session timeout for a user in SOI? (