Start & Finish of Current Year should return periods based on the 'Period Year' field specified in the Fiscal Period definition.
Based on the example from this Knowledge article, the code should do the following:
1. In MUX go to Project/Investment Timeline and select View Options
2. If today's date = Nov 18 2022,
When you select 'Start of Current Year':
• The system will look and find a Fiscal Period that covers today's date (Nov 2022) and see that the 'Period Year' is defined as 2023.
• Then the code will look and find the first monthly period where 'Period Year' = 2023
• In the KB example, this will be April 2022
3. When you select 'End of Current Year':
• The system will look and find a Fiscal Period that covers today's date (Nov 2022) and see that the 'Period Year' is defined as 2023.
• Then the code will look and find the last monthly period where 'Period Year' = 2023
• In the KB example, this will be March 2023
Expected Result: The View will start from the First Fiscal Period of the Current Fiscal Year
Actual Result: The View starts from first Fiscal Period that covers today's date.
Release : 16.0.3, 16.1.0
DE67425 - addressed in release 16.1.1