New Project from Template Process to Copy RICs does not copy over the To Dos
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New Project from Template Process to Copy RICs does not copy over the To Dos


Article ID: 244381


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Creating a New Project from a Template using a Process is not copying over the associated To Dos Records from Risks, Issues and Changes (RICs).  It works as expected when a user clicks the 'New from Template' button in the UX, but if the project is created using the process, it is missing the To Do records for the RICs. 

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create a Project Template that has some Tasks, Risks, Issues, Changes (RICs) records and associated To Do records (My Project Template) 
  2. Look at the 'To Dos' Module to see all the To Dos created on the Template for the Tasks and RICs 
  3. Create a Process Definition
    • Name = 'Copy Project Template Data'
    • Object = Project
    • thisPoject, thisTemplate = 'My Project Template' 
    • Auto-Start on Create 
  4. In the Steps, add the following System Actions:
    • Copy Tasks 
    • Copy RICs 
  5. Create a New Project (+) 
  6. To quickly see if all To Dos are added into the project, go to the 'To Dos' Module on the Project (using a Blueprint configured with this module) 
  7. Check if the To Dos from Tasks, RICs are listed 

Expected Results: To see all To Dos associated with Tasks and RICs that were on the template copied over to the new project. 

Actual Results: Only the Task To Dos were copied over.  Missing the To Dos associated with the RICs. 





DE65526. This is an initial implementation gap for this use case. The To Dos associated with RICs will copy over using the 'New From Template' button in the UX. 

Workaround: Use the 'New From Template' button on the UX instead of using a process to create the new project. 


DE65526 is fixed in Release 16.0.3 

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