Cannot mount Windows 2019 CIFS share
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Cannot mount Windows 2019 CIFS share


Article ID: 239931


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CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM)


PAM Admin cannot mount their CIFS share on a Windows 2019 server.  It fails with the following error:

Error: PAM-CM-0058: CIFS mount operation unsuccessful. Mount point: <mount path> Hostname: <Hostname>


Privileged Access Manager, all versions


When SMB Encryption is enabled for a file share or server, only SMB 3.0, 3.02, and 3.1.1 clients are allowed to access the specified file shares. This enforces the administrator's intent of safeguarding the data for all clients that access the shares.

To check if SMB Encryption is enabled, run the following command on the CIFS Server.

Get-SmbShare -Name <ShareName> | Format-List -Property *

In the output, look for EncryptData. If it is set to true, as in the output below, then SMB Encryption is enabled.

EncryptData           : True



When EncryptData is set to True, the SMB Version needs to be set to 3.0 in the PAM Session Recording configuration.

Additional Information

Alternatively this message can be caused by a trailing space in the share name, per the following KB.

PAM-CM-0058: CIFS mount operation unsuccessful