MUX Timesheet Hours do not reflect the Resource Availability
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MUX Timesheet Hours do not reflect the Resource Availability


Article ID: 239893


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


The Timesheet shows 40 hours by default and doesn't consider availability of resource. If you modify the Resource Availability, then run Time Slicing job, the Timesheet Totals still display 40 hours


Release : Any


To change Availability on a single resource without using another calendar and seeing correct Totals in MUX Timesheet, note these are the correct steps:

You must also update the shifts on their personal calendar.

Set Resource Calendar to 10 hours per day (example)

  1. Open the Resource in Home - Resources
  2. Set the Availability (i.e. 10 hours)
  3. Save
  4. Now go to Calendar tab on the same resource
  5. Select Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri checkboxes
  6. Click Set Shifts
  7. Set the shifts to be 10 hours per day, i.e. 7:00-12:00 and 1:00 - 18:00
  8. Save
  9. Run Time Slicing job to completion
  10. Go to the Timesheets and refresh the page to see the totals and you should see correct Totals (50)

Additional Information

Refer to MUX Timesheets Total Available Hours not matching the Resource's Availability for more information on Resource Availability and Calendar Shifts