TDM Upgrade Best Practices
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TDM Upgrade Best Practices


Article ID: 193849


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CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


What are the high level steps and best practices for upgrading TDM?


Release : 4.8+

Component : Test Data Manager - All Components



Please notice that the order of upgrading the components has changed starting with TDM release 4.8. In the older release of TDM it was important to first upgrade the Datamaker component, since Datamaker controlled the TDM repository database (gtrep) migration. This changed in TDM release 4.8, and now the TDM Portal controls the TDM repository database (gtrep) migration. Therefore, when upgrading TDM release 4.8 and newer, you MUST first upgrade the TDM Portal component before upgrading the other TDM components.

  • Verify the system requirements meet the requirements for the new release.

  • Check the TDM Patches Page, located at, and download the latest component patches for the release you are upgrading to.

  • Remember that you may not be able to jump straight to the latest GA release. You can only jump two releases ahead:
    For example, If you are upgrading from 4.8 to 4.11 the upgrade path would look like: 4.8 -> 4.10 -> 4.11, or 4.8 -> 4.9 -> 4.10 -> 4.11.
    You cannot upgrade from 4.9 to 4.11, without first upgrading to 4.10.

Note: It's recommended to back up each iteration of the gtrep database, and run maintenance after each upgrade of the gtrep database.



  • Verify prerequisites have been met

  • Keep all the passwords for the gtrep repository database user and any other environment specify passwords handy. It also a good idea to have the OrientDB database root password handy, in case you need direct access to the OrientDB.

  • Prior to the upgrade, make a backup of the TDM repository database (gtrep).

  • Take a snapshot of the TDM Server and Database Server

  • Check the "CA Test Data Manager Portal" service and verify the account used to start the Windows service. By default, the service is configured to start with the Local System account. If your implementation runs under a service account, make sure you have a copy of the password for the Service account, as the service will need to be reconfigured to run under the appropriate service account once the upgrade is complete
  • Download the TDM Software from Broadcom Support Portal - Enterprise Software - Products Download page (, and transfer the download to the TDM servers.
    • When upgrading TDM Portal, ALWAYS use the latest TDM Portal patch, for the release of TDM that you are upgrading to. NEVER install the GA release of Portal if a newer patch is available.

    • When applying the latest TDM patches, even though most of the TDM patches are cumulative full installations for that component, you still need to download the GA release installation media for the release of TDM you are upgrading to. After installing the latest TDM Portal patch (TDMWeb-x.x.x.0), you will need to run the GA release of the 'setup_GTServer_x.xx.x.x, and upgrade the GT Server, since this does not get upgraded by applying the patches.

    • The latest TDM Component patches are available for download, at

  • Inform TDM users the application will not be available during the upgrade.




Upgrading TDM Portal:

  1. Stop the CA Test Data Manager Portal Service.

  2. Stop the OrientDB service.

  3. Take a backup of the following directories:
    • %ProgramData%\CA\CA Test Data Manager Portal\
    • C:\Program Files\CA\CA Test Data Manager Portal\

  4. Delete the contents of the %ProgramData%\CA\CA Test Data Manager Portal\logs directory.

  5. As "Administratoe", run the TDMPortal.exe from the downloaded installation media.

  6. Complete the Portal upgrade

  7. Check the C:\ProgramData\CA\CA Test Data Manager Portal\logs\TDMSchemaManagementStartup.log to ensure the gtrep repository upgrade ran without issues.

  8. By Default, the CA Test Data Manager Portal service is configured to start under the Local System Account. If your implementation of the "CA Test Data Manager Portal" Windows service should be running under a service account, you will need to:
    1. Stop the CA Test Data Manager Portal service
    2. Right-click on CA Test Data Manager Portal service, and select Properties
    3. In the Properties dialog window, select the Log On tab
    4. Modify the properties to run the service under the appropriate service account
    5. Select OK, and close the dialog window.
    6. Restart the CA Test Data Manager Portal service. 

Upgrading GT Server Components:

  1. Stop the Remote Publish and TDoD services if running.

  2. Rename the rep.xml to OLD_rep.xml. The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Grid-Tools\GTDatamaker.

  3. Take a backup of the following folders:
    • C:\Grid-Tools
    • C:\Program Files\Grid-Tools
    • C:\Program Files(x86)\Grid-Tools
    • %AppData\Grid-Tools
  4. Run the GTServer.exe from the downloaded installation media.

  5. Complete the upgrade of the remaining components.

  6. Log into GTDatamaker and create a new rep.xml


APPLY TDM COMPONENT PATCHES (optional but recommended):

The steps to apply the component patches is outlined in "How to apply patches for TDM"


If by chance something goes wrong with the OrientDB database, and you need to restore the data from your backed up file, you will need to take the following actions:

  1. Stop the CA Test Data Manager Portal service

  2. Stop the OrientDB service

  3. Restore the following files from the backup you made of the %ProgramData%\CA\CA test Data Manager Portal\ directory
    • %ProgramData%\CA\CA test Data Manager Portal\objects
    • %ProgramData%\CA\CA test Data Manager Portal\orientdb\databases

  4. Navigate to %ProgramData%\CA\CA Test Data Manager Portal\logs and delete the contents of the logs directory.

  5. Start the OrientDB service

  6. Start the CA Test Data Manager Portal service


Additional Information

The TDM Upgrade documentation can be found at the following locations: