Design changes in IT Management Suite 8.5 RU3 and RU4 caused by Microsoft Silverlight removal
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Design changes in IT Management Suite 8.5 RU3 and RU4 caused by Microsoft Silverlight removal


Article ID: 184944


Updated On:


IT Management Suite Client Management Suite


Starting from IT Management Suite 8.5 RU3, some changes are introduced due to Microsoft Silverlight replacement by HTML5.


ITMS 8.5 RU3 and RU4


  • Computers View opens by default after you install IT Management Suite 8.5 RU3, and then open Symantec Management Console for the first time.

  • The First Time Setup portal is available at Home > First Time Setup. The Silverlight version of the First Time Setup portal page is replaced by the legacy First Time Setup portal page.

  • The drag and drop functionality is now supported within a single tree component only. You can use drag and drop to reorganize items in a tree. You cannot use drag and drop to move items across different views, different trees, and a filter builder and trees.
    To add an item to a policy or task, do the following:
    1. Create a target that includes the item that you want to add.
    2. Right-click the target, and then click Add to Policy or Add to Task.

  • A single tree component now supports items of the same type only. You cannot add item links and Web links to the items of other types in the following views:
    - Jobs and Tasks
    - Computers
    - Policies
    - Software
    In the Settings menu, you can still add new item links and Web links directly to a view.

With IT Management Suite 8.5 RU4 release the following was introduced:

  • Microsoft Silverlight is replaced by HTML5 for Event Console in Server Management Suite and IT Management Suite.



Does the IT Management Suite Console still require Silverlight?

The IT Management Suite Console starting with 8.6 Release no longer requires Silverlight.

Additional Information

151066 Official Support Statement About Silverlight and ITMS