Some devices can generate errors due to the X-Bluecoat-Via header.
Some examples are listed below but are not all-inclusive.
An error occurred attempting to communicate with an HTTP or SOCKS gateway.
The gateway may be temporarily unavailable, or there could be a network problem.
For assistance, contact your network support team.
The example below shows how to remove the header via CPL and VPM.
This error occurs because the OCS resets GET requests where the header contains X-BlueCoat-Via. To allow access to the page, create a rule that can suppress the X-BlueCoat-Via header from the request.
Copy the following CPL into the local policy file. If help is needed to add CPL to Local Policy:
url.domain=//<websitename>.com/ action.Remove_X-Bluecoat-Via(yes)
define action Remove_X-Bluecoat-Via
delete( request.header.X-BlueCoat-Via )
or create a VPM policy in the Web Access Layer using the following rule:
Copy the following CPL into the local policy file:
define action Remove_X-Bluecoat-Via
delete( request.header.X-BlueCoat-Via )
To create a VPM policy in the Web Access Layer with a source/destination of ANY ANY with the same action as shown above.
The X-Bluecoat-Via Header is used to keep the proxy from inspecting the traffic a second time should a loop in the network path occur.
For more information regarding this please see "Why the ProxySG sends a header "X-Bluecoat-Via:?"