Add CPL to a local policy file on the Edge SWG (ProxySG)
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Add CPL to a local policy file on the Edge SWG (ProxySG)


Article ID: 165957


Updated On: 01-29-2024


Advanced Secure Gateway Software - ASG ProxySG Software - SGOS


How to add CPL to a local policy file on the Edge Secure Web Gateway (formerly ProxySG)?
Technical Support wants me to add CPL or policy to the local policy file.
How to add data to the local policy file?


The local policy file gives you the ability to add CPL-based policy in addition to Visual Policy Manager (VPM) policy. Sometimes Technical Support may ask that local policy be implemented so that troubleshooting or diagnostic data may be obtained, or an issue may be solved by a few lines of CPL. Here are the steps to go in and edit the local policy file:

A. If you are using old Management Console or Legacy Console:

  1. Launch and log into the Management Console. The URL for the Management Console is https://<proxysg>:8082/
  2. Click on the Configuration > Policy > Policy Files > Policy Files tab. 
  3. There is an "Install Policy" section where you can install policy from a local file, forward file, and central file.
  4. Select "Text Editor" from the drop-down list to the right of "Install Local file from:" text.  Click on the Install button to the right of that drop-down box.
  5. If this is a new proxy deployment, the local policy may be blank. If this is an established proxy with local policy, scroll down to the bottom of the data contained in the text editor.
  6. Copy and paste the CPL text that received from support. Click on the Install, OK, and Close buttons in that order. Click on the Apply button. The new policy has been installed.

B. If you are using new Admin Console:

  1. Launch and log into the Management Console. The URL for the Management Console is https://<proxysg>:8082/
  2. Go to Configuration > Policy > Policy Options > Policy Files and click on the Edit icon under Action column for 'Local'.
  3. This opens 'Install Local File' page.
  4. Select Install from: "Text" option.  
  5. If this is a new proxy deployment, the local policy may be blank. If this is an established proxy with local policy, scroll down to the bottom of the data contained in the text editor.
  6. Copy and paste the CPL text that received from support. Click on the Install, and Close buttons in that order. The new policy has been installed.