When a Data Connector Import Rule is used that is expected to set the Asset Owner and/or the Cost Center for a resource, it fails to do so or it removes the prior values. This was found by editing an imported/updated resource or by reviewing Configuration Item reports that show this data.
Various or none. For example:
Row x skipped for data class 'Ownership Details'. No value has been specified for non nullable destination column 'Ownership Percentage' and there is no existing value for this column in the NS database for this resource.
ITMS 8.x
Asset Management Solution 8.x
Both "issues" are working as designed.
If the Asset User or Cost Center is not being set, the Import Rule is not setting both the Ownership Details/Cost Center Ownership data classes and the Asset User Owners/Cost Center association.
If the ownership is later disappearing, when the CMDB task Clean Ownership next runs, this will attempt to match both the data class and association. If there are not values for both, partial asset owner settings are removed from the affected resources.
Ensure that the correct data class and association are made for Users and Cost Centers. Figure 1 displays which to add for each type.
Figure 1: Example of how to fully configure User and Cost Center associations to a resource.
For Users (highlighted above in red):
For Cost Centers (highlighted in blue):
Notes: (1) An import rule for a specific resource type, such as computers or users, does not create associationed resources, such as cost centers, when the import rules. The associations (and foreign keys) must already exist otherwise the association will be skipped during the import. For example, if "ComputerA" is being inmported as a computer, and it is set to be associated to "New York Cost Center", if New York Cost Center does not already exist in Cost Centers, this association cannot work and will be skipped. The associations can be created by any means available to the customer, such as a different import rule for cost centers specifically.
(2) If the resource type does not include the expected data classes and associations, such as if a custom resource is used and it was not based off of a resource that has these (such as just "Resource" for the base type), these may not appear and the user may need to manually add them to the custom resource type before they can then be referenced in an Import Rule.
CMDB Rules: Removing Associations
CMDB rules cannot remove completely certain associations such as the the Asset Owner or Cost Center. This is because the data classes involved must be set to a valid value and cannot be empty. The workaround to this is to use a Data Connector import rule to clear the data classes involved and also their related associations. If this is not desired, a SQL script can also be used to do this. An example of how to do this with removing Asset Owners from computer resources is provided as an attachment to this article.
Data Connector Import Rule fails to set a foreign key correctly
Troubleshooting import issues when using a Data Connector Import Rule
Creating locations and automatically assign them to computers or users
Create a CMDB rule to automatically assign locations to computers or users
Create a Data Connector import rule to automatically assign computers or users to locations