PPM attributes: Include in Data Warehouse (custom domain or custom process)
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PPM attributes: Include in Data Warehouse (custom domain or custom process)


Article ID: 124679


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Why I am not able to include some attributes in the Clarity PPM Data Warehouse?  The object is included in the DWH and the attribute is not inherited from a master object.

Example: OOTB attributes that are on the Project Object attributes page but you can't add them to the DWH.


Release: All Supported Releases


  • This is by design, as not all attributes are able to be included in the DWH. 
  • Only the most commonly used stock objects and attributes in the product are included in the data warehouse by default. 





  • Option 1:
    1. Create a custom domain using the PPM data source and include the desired tables. 
    2. Once the custom domain is created, then create an ad hoc view/report off of the custom domain/tables.
      • Note this data won't be available in SAAS Odata as this domain is based on the PPM data source
  • Option 2:
    1. Create a custom attribute that maps to the field you want to use in DWH reporting
    2. Include it in the DWH
    3. Create a custom process to copy the data from the existing attribute to the custom attribute
  • Option 3:
    • In some instances a calculated field can be made off the OOTB field. One example is the Originating Template attribute.  A string type calculated field can be created and included in the data warehouse.  Check to see if the attribute you need can be used to create a calculated attribute.