Error "Access is Denied" in Advanced Reporting if ROLE_USER permission is used
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Error "Access is Denied" in Advanced Reporting if ROLE_USER permission is used


Article ID: 115173


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When you go to Home->Advanced Reporting, nothing shows up and you receive an Access Denied error. 

Or, you may instead notice when you navigate to Advanced Reporting and click on a Report, you see an Access is Denied Error. 

For access rights, ROLE_USER is being used across the Clarity reports to provide permissions.


Release : Any


Reference knowledge article: Error: "Access is Denied" in Advanced Reporting with ROLE_USER access before proceeding with the steps below.

Update Folder Permissions in Advanced Reporting (Step 1)

  1. Go to Home>>Advanced Reporting
  2. View>>Repository
  3. On the Folder Tree, right-click the CA PPM folder and select Permissions. ROLE_USER is set at No Access.
  4. Change ROLE_USER to the appropriate level required.
  5. You will need to change any other folder where you will need access such as CA PPM/Reports

Clear your browser cache (Step 2)

This may be needed if you still see the issue after the above change

Additional Information

Important: Using ROLE_USER to have access to run all reports is not recommended as this means that all users will be able to run all the Clarity reports. We do not recommend using ROLE_USER set to anything else but No Access for CA PPM folder. 

The recommended setting is to use the Advanced Reporting Navigate right in combination with the other Advanced Reporting permissions and the CSK access right groups. Do NOT use ROLE_USER to provide full access to Clarity reports.

See Error: "Access is Denied" in Advanced Reporting with ROLE_USER access explaining the best practice recommended.

If the above doesn't help, reference also: