Unable to export a list from Service Desk web page
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Unable to export a list from Service Desk web page


Article ID: 97976


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Desk Manager


Exports are not working at all, but attachments are working fine, no error in the application is prompted when the action is attempted, the browser shows that it is just keep waiting to the process to respond.
The jsrvr.log file capture the messages similar to the following:

INFO PDMExport 1043 Using webengine: web:local, to find domsrvr
ERROR PDMExport 1072 Get domsrvr name failed: Timeout waiting for reply after 10 seconds, using default domsrvr
INFO PDMExport 1103 Validar BOPSID:
ERROR PDMExport 1115 Validate BOPSID failed: Timeout waiting for reply after 180 seconds
ERROR PDMExport 1122 Timeout waiting for reply after 180 seconds
ERROR PDMExport 488 validation failed

Even if the process pdm_export_mgr.exe is killed or refreshed the issue persist.

the following error is also captured in the stdlogs when the issue occurs

ERROR factory.c 7007 Could not create list using cr_list_web in factory in:FAC:NC:ATTR:OB:MTH:
SEVERE_ERROR data_driver.c 826 DataDriver: Failed in receive message (method:got_sync_fetch) - (string)Could not create domset (bad name ? )



SD 14.1 or higher


The pdm_export_mgr.exe process failed because stored query had an incorrect parameter for the form being exported or used.  The parameters name multiple ticket types, such as cr, in, or pr, all in the same export function, which will not work.


Modify the where clause of the stored query used so it only has the correspondent object used by the form.

1. Log in Service Desk with an administrator account.
2. Go to the Administrator tab->Service Desk->Application Data->Stored Queries
3. Search the stored query used by the form and edit the where clause as mentioned.
4. Save the stored query and the issue should not occur again.

See Additional information section for further details about the store query syntax.

Additional Information

Please see KB Article 25395 for more information on stored query support for ticket types.