Endpoint Account already exists during Provisioning Role assignment, resulting in Provisioning Server reports LDAP error 70 (0x0046 - Results too large)
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Endpoint Account already exists during Provisioning Role assignment, resulting in Provisioning Server reports LDAP error 70 (0x0046 - Results too large)


Article ID: 46274


Updated On: 10-09-2023


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


When assigning Provisioning Role to Global Users for account creation purpose on some hierarchical Endpoints (i.e. Active Directory,  JNDI DYN),   the Provisioning Server reports LDAP error 70 (0x0046 - Results too large).

In etatrans log, the 'External Modify' operation got 'Results too large' error.

FAILURE: External Modify (eTGlobalUserName=<username>)
rc:  0x0046 (Results too large)
msg: ETA_E_0070<MGU>, Global User '<username>' provisioning role memberships added successfully. Associated accounts creation or update failed: (accounts created: 0, updated: 0, re-created: 0, failures: 1)

The 'Child Add' operation got account 'Already Exists' error.

FAILURE: Child Add (eTDYNAccountName=<account name>)
rc:  0x0044 (Already exists)
msg: ETA_E_0004<AAC>, User Account '<account name>' on '<endpoint>' creation failed: Object already exists; provisioning directory updated



Identity Manager 12.x/ 14.x



Endpoint Account already exists in the target account container
Endpoint Account with same account id already exists in another account container



Enable the following Synchronization settings on IM Provisioning Manager > System > Domain Configuration > Synchronization

  • Automatic Correlation = Yes (or 'Use Correlation Attr' if Correlation Attribute list has been customized)
  • Use Existing Accounts = Yes
  • Force single account across multiple containers = Target Endpoint Type;


Additional Information

Also see the following Knowledge Article:
