What is the purpose of DDSDCLM, when should I use it and which release should I use?
NOTE: Datacom/AD customers do not typically need to run DDSDCLM for an upgrade, but should run this as directed by Broadcom Support.
DDSDCLM produces a report showing the differences between a selected Datadictionary and an expected model for that same release.
Using DDSDCLM for different versions of Datacom/DB:
Note: There are a number of solutions that are required to be applied to your 12.0 environment prior to upgrading from 12.0 to 14.0 as well as 14.0 to 15.1. They affect execution of DDSDCLM before beginning the upgrade and facilitate possible fallback. The solutions can be found in the README's down below
KBA 204117: CA DATACOM/AD active MUF upgrade from 15.0 to 15.1
KBA 198137: Datacom/AD 15.1 Active Upgrade from 14.0
CA Datacom/DB 15.0 to 15.1 Active upgrade documentation
CA Datacom/DB 14.0 to 15.1 Active upgrade documentation