"ASYNC_PATCH_INPUT_SPEC_DOWNLOAD_FAILED - Ensure the depot credentials provided are correct" AP tool patch enablement fails while trying to connect to online repositories
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"ASYNC_PATCH_INPUT_SPEC_DOWNLOAD_FAILED - Ensure the depot credentials provided are correct" AP tool patch enablement fails while trying to connect to online repositories


Article ID: 390122


Updated On: 03-21-2025


VMware SDDC Manager VMware Cloud Foundation


  • Async Patch Tool patch enablement fails with errors similar to below snippets :

YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.091+0000 [main] ERROR [com.vmware.evo.sddc.lcm.tools.asyncpatch.AsyncPatchToolMain]
                      Error while initiating required functionality: ENABLE_ASYNC_PATCH
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.153+0000 [main] ERROR [com.vmware.evo.sddc.lcm.tools.asyncpatch.AsyncPatchToolMain]
-- Error Message: Failed to download the Async Patch Input Spec for VCENTER : from https://depot.vmware.com/PROD2/evo/vmw/asyncPatchSpecs/v1/bundle-200130.spec.
-- Remedy: Ensure the depot credentials provided are correct or contact GSS for further guidance.

-- Error Stacktrace:
com.vmware.evo.sddc.lcm.model.error.LcmException: Failed to download the Async Patch Input Spec for VCENTER : from https://depot.vmware.com/PROD2/evo/vmw/asyncPatchSpecs/v1/bundle-200130.spec.
 at com.vmware.evo.sddc.lcm.tools.asyncpatch.AsyncPatchInputSpecUtil.downloadAsyncPatchSpec(AsyncPatchInputSpecUtil.java:117)
 at com.vmware.evo.sddc.lcm.tools.asyncpatch.AsyncPatchInputSpecUtil.getAsyncPatchInputSpec(AsyncPatchInputSpecUtil.java:204)


Async Patch Tool (AP Tool)


Public facing repository URLs and authentication mechanisms are changing. Download URLs are no longer common but unique for each customer therefore will require to be re-configured.


Enable BOM Async Patches with AP tool

  1. Download the Token from Broadcom Support Portal by following the steps in VCF Authenticated downloads Configuration Update Instructions. If you already have it, apply the same by following below instructions.

  2. Download and setup AP tool by following the instructions in Async Patch Tool.
  3. Modify the following property values as below : ${ASYNC_PATCH_TOOL_FOLDER}/conf/application-asyncpatch.properties

    set lcm.depot.adapter.host=dl.broadcom.com
    set lcm.depot.adapter.remote.rootDir=/<downloadToken>/PROD
    set lcm.depot.adapter.remote.repoDir=/COMP/SDDC_MANAGER_VCF
    set lcm.depot.adapter.remote.lcmManifestDir=/COMP/SDDC_MANAGER_VCF/lcm/manifest
    set lcm.depot.adapter.remote.k1.lcmManifestFile=/COMP/SDDC_MANAGER_VCF/lcm/manifest/v1/lcmManifest.json

    Note: Replace <downloadToken> with the actual downloaded token id.

  4. Fetch the AP tool required input spec for the patch to be enabled from Applying individual product updates to VMware Cloud Foundation environments using Async Patch Tool (AP Tool)
  5. Follow the remaining setup to download, enable async patches on the SDDC-M environment with “-inputspec” or “-i” mode as detailed at AP Tool Release Notes.

Setup offline depot

  1. AP tool cannot be exercised against the offline depot setup VM moving further. Customers are encouraged to upgrade SDDC-M to 5.2+, use the LCM in product async patching capabilities.
  2. Configure the Offline depot on the environment using OBTU as detailed at KB OBTU tool fails to download bundles from the online repositories.