VMware Aria Automation 8.18.1 Cumulative Update - Patch 1
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VMware Aria Automation 8.18.1 Cumulative Update - Patch 1


Article ID: 385294


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


Patch 1 provides various fixes to known issues in VMware Aria Automation and Automation Orchestrator and can be downloaded here.


VMware Aria Automation 8.18.1

VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.18.1


VMware Aria Automation:

  • Day 2 actions stuck in the In Progress state after upgrade.
  • Service Broker users cannot run custom day 2 actions.
  • Unable to create TKG Cluster level resources using Template CCI.TKG.
  • Network allocation error: Infoblox IPAM is misconfigured.
  • Unable to set image property when using the onboarding plan.
  • Stability improvement during the request status check.
  • Removed calls to inaccessible Broadcom test server.
  • Automation Assembler users can view deployment information from other projects.
  • Fix for server-side request forgery.
  • Provisioning failures for the Ansible Tower integration.
  • Deployments stalling or failing with a “Failed to publish event to topic: Deployment completed" error.
  • Unable to delete image mappings.
  • Various UI glitch fixes.
  • This release resolves CVE-2025-22215. For more information on these vulnerabilities and their impact on VMware products, see VMSA-2025-0001.

Automation Orchestrator:

  • Fix for the HeapDump cleaner.
  • Automation Orchestrator pod crashes in a specific scenario.
  • User receives a contentVerified:false response in a specific scenario.
  • Workflows that use the Guestoperations code fails.
  • Group permissions removed from workflow creation.
  • Machine deployments timing out while waiting for VMware Tools to start.
  • Provide MS SQL Server JDBC support.
  • Updated the Apache Tomcat version.

Installation Instructions


  • You have valid backups or snapshots of the VMware Aria Automation appliance(s) in the cluster.

VMware Aria Automation (managed by Aria Suite Lifecycle):

Standalone VMware Automation Orchestrator (managed or not managed by Aria Suite Lifecycle):


    • You have valid backups or snapshots of the Automation Orchestrator appliance(s) in the cluster.
    • You have downloaded O11N_VA- from https://support.broadcom.com/web/ecx/solutiondetails?patchId=5747
    • You are using a standalone instance of VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.18.1.
    • You have root username and password and SSH access to the appliance(s).


    1. Log in to the Automation Orchestrator Appliance command line as root.
    2. Make a copy of the lcm upgrade profile:
      cp /etc/vmware-prelude/upgrade-lcm.conf  /etc/vmware-prelude/upgrade-lcm-b2b.conf
    3. Modify the /etc/vmware-prelude/upgrade-lcm-b2b.conf file by adding the following value:
    4. Mount the CD-ROM using mount /dev/xxx /mnt/cdrom
      mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom
    5. Run the upgrade in the command line with the new lcm profile:
      vracli upgrade exec -y --profile lcm-b2b --repo cdrom://

Review Installed Patch History:

  1. To view the history of patches, click Patches History.
  2. Click on History.
    Note: Alternatively, the vracli version patch command may be used to validate that the patch is installed.
    Note: The product version and build numbers reported via the Aria Automation GUI will not change after installing any patches. Please use the steps below to validate the patch installation.
    1. Login to one of the Aria Automation appliances via an SSH session.
    2. Run the following command:
      vracli version patch
    3. Verify the patch installed matches the build number 24411566.

Note: For Standalone Aria Automation Orchestrator the vracli version patch will not show any patch installed. The correct build if the patch is installed should reflect as 24399195.