Installation or Upgrade of cb-enterprise Fails with a 400 Error
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Installation or Upgrade of cb-enterprise Fails with a 400 Error


Article ID: 380838


Updated On:


Carbon Black EDR


When attempting an installation or an upgrade, a 400 error message is given when reaching out to the carbonblack repository

Updating Subscription Management repositories.
CarbonBlack                                                                                                        415  B/s | 215  B     00:00
Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'CarbonBlack':
  - Status code: 400 for (IP:
Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'CarbonBlack': Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot download repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors were tried


  • Carbon Black EDR Server: All Versions


carbonblack-alliance-client certificate set is expired.


  1. Download the newer rpm installation file from the Entitlements > License page. 
    1. If the rpm file is not there, please reach out to your account manager or Broadcom Global Support to generate the rpm. Product support will be unable to assist with generating this file.
  2. Place the new rpm file on the server
  3. Run the following command to update the Alliance certificate 
    rpm -ivh --force <filename>.rpm
  4. Continue with the installation or upgrade.

Additional Information

  • Any rpm file with 1.0.4 or higher will have the updated sha256 certificate.