Inconsistency of availability in Time on Review and Approve section for Posted Timesheets
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Inconsistency of availability in Time on Review and Approve section for Posted Timesheets


Article ID: 380475


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


For Resources having Date of Hire in Mid way of the week , there is some inconsistencies noted for availability on the TImesheet Review & Approve tab when compared to Timesheets tab for the respective week.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login to Clarity (Classic UI)
  2. Navigate to Administration --> Project management --> Base Calendars
  3. Create a new calendar from Standard Calendar.
  4. In the new calendar mark the availability as 7.5 hours per day
  5. Navigate Home -> Resource -> Pick any Resource -> Calendar Tab
  6. Assign this Derived Calendar to the resource and set their Date of Hire as Mid of the week (eg, Thursday 12th September 2024)
  7. Navigate to New UI
  8. Go to Timesheet Menu -> Timesheets Tab -> Filter for the resource from Step5
  9. Observer the available hours for the week Sep 9th 2024 and it should be 15 hours
  10. Ensure resource has timesheet approve right in order to see Review and Approve Page
  11. Go to Review and Approvie Tab
  12. Filter for that resource from Step5 and go to the week Sep 9th 2024 (the week set as DOH) and observe the available hours

Expected Results:
The available hours on  Review and Approve should match with Timesheets tab and expected to be 15 hours as resoure is working for 2 days in that with 7.5 hours per day

Actual Results:
The available hours on Review and Approve tab shows as 13.50


Clarity PPM 16.0.x, 16.1.x, 16.2.x


Due to DE155505


DE155505 is not reproducible in v16.3.0

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