Is it possible to create a Webdriver script that monitor a page that is behind a 2FA authentication?
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Is it possible to create a Webdriver script that monitor a page that is behind a 2FA authentication?


Article ID: 379197


Updated On: 10-08-2024


CA App Synthetic Monitor


I need to monitor an application with for example HTTP GET request https://<server>:<port>, the result is a login webpage, the target page is behind a 2FA authentication

So far, I have installed ASM OPMS's and have implemented some webdriver and jmeter scripts.

We understand there are some limitation monitoring sites with 2FA or MFA authentication. 

Question 1: is there a way to create a webdriver script that will monitor the browser in the popup screen after the authentication without doing the authentication? For example, open chrome, login to citrix, click on new chrome browser in citrix, go to webpage that needs to be monitored.

Question 2: what is suggestion to solve a webdriver script that contains some type of text or value verification and works when recorded in Katalon but the verification is not passing in CAASM?




Answer Q1:

Even if you are able to login to citrix and open a browser there (clicking by coordinates, for instance), we won't be able to verify the content of the internal browser page. The internal page and whole citrix session will be represented as an image.

Unfortunately computer vision is not supported by the webdriver so far, so it is not able to recognize and verify image content.

Answer Q2: 

If an error is continue to occur, the only way is to debug the script manually, either in the ASM itself or by running the Webdriver CLI locally.

More on the (Webdriver Agent) and
The Webdriver CLI allows to run agent on the local machine while using local broswer which can be controlled in the runtime by the user for better error handling.



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