Configure the Siteminder Policy Server to Dump Statistics Into the 'smps.log' on Recurring Basis
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Configure the Siteminder Policy Server to Dump Statistics Into the 'smps.log' on Recurring Basis


Article ID: 378339


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The 'smpolicysrv -stats' command can dump the Policy Server statistics into the 'smps.log'.  The Policy Server can also be configured to do this automatically on a recurring basis.  In versions prior to r12.8.5, this had to be done using a script scheduled in either a cron job or Windows Scheduler.  As of Siteminder Policy Server r12.8.5, this can now be configured in the Policy Server to be run automatically.


PRODUCT: Siteminder

COMPONENT: Policy Server 

VERSION: r12.8.5 and higher.


In versions prior to r12.8.5, the Policy Server could only dump statistical data into the 'smps.log' file when run manually.  If you wanted to dump statistics on a recurring basis automatically, it could only be accomplished using a script scheduled in either a cron job or Windows Scheduler.  As of Siteminder Policy Server r12.8.5, this can now be configured in the Policy Server to be run automatically.


1) Log on to the Siteminder Policy Server

2) Edit the Policy Server registry file

WINDOWS: regedit.exe

LINUX: <Install_Dir>/siteminder/registry/sm.registry

3) Browse to the following registry hive:


4) Add the following registry key:

KeyName: StatsTimeInterval


Value: Frequency (in minutes) that the policy server will dump statistics into the 'smps.log' file.

Note: Any positive integer starting from 1

5) Save the changes and restart the Siteminder Policy Server.

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