The Siteminder Policy Server can dump the statistics in real time into the 'smps.log' file. This is done either by manually running the 'smpolicysrv -stats' command. This can also be configured to run as a job and automatically dump the Policy Server statistics into the 'smps.log' file on a recurring basis. This is extremely useful for getting insight into the health of the server and for troubleshooting purposes.
PRODUCT: Siteminder
COMPONENT: Policy server
VERSION: 12.8.x
Here is an example of the output in the 'smps.log' file from the 'smpolicysrv -stats' command:
[8688/2216][<Date> <Time>][CServer.cpp:8242][INFO][sm-Server-02360] Server 'Stats' command received
[8688/2216][[<Date> <Time>][CServer.cpp:4958][INFO][sm-Server-01990] ===================================================================================
[8688/2216][[<Date> <Time>][CServer.cpp:4959][INFO][sm-Server-02000] System Statistics
[8688/2216][[<Date> <Time>][CServer.cpp:5000][INFO][sm-Server-02020] Thread pool limit: 8
[8688/2216][[<Date> <Time>][CServer.cpp:5003][INFO][sm-Server-02030] Thread pool: Msgs=0 Throughput=0.000000/sec Response Time=0.000000ms Wait Time In Queue=0.000000ms Max HP Msg=0 Max NP Msg=0 Current Depth=0 Max Depth=0 Current High Depth=0 Current Norm Depth=0 Current Threads=8 Max Threads=8 Busy Threads=0
[8688/2216][<Date> <Time>][CServer.cpp:5004][INFO][sm-Server-02040] Connections: Current=0 Max=0 Limit=256 Exceeded limit=0
[8688/2216][[<Date> <Time>][CServer.cpp:5005][INFO][sm-Server-01990] ===================================================================================
Note :
Stats Information:
Thread pool:
Deprecated Thread Pool information (available in older releases) :
Thread and Connection Tuning
Some of this parameter can be configured by modifying the Siteminder Policy Server registry
Windows: regedit.exe
Linux: <Install_Dir>/siteminder/registry/sm.registry
Registry Hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Netegrity\SiteMinder\CurrentVersion\PolicyServer\
Key Name: Thread Pool Initial Size
Default: 8
Purpose: Specifies the minimum number of worker threads that Policy Server opens on startup.
Key Name: Thread Pool Size
Default: 8
Purpose: Specifies the maximum number of worker threads that can be opened.
Key Name: Tcp Max Server Connections
Default: 256
Purpose: Specifies the maximum number of allowable agent connections.
Key Name: PriorityThreadCount
Default : 5
Max : 20
Purpose: Number of High Priority Threads. (threads allocated to process high priority handshake messages)
NOTE: A value less than five or greater than 20 disables the registry key.