Unable to exit Transport Node Maintenance Mode in VMware NSX 4.2.x
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Unable to exit Transport Node Maintenance Mode in VMware NSX 4.2.x


Article ID: 377448


Updated On:


VMware NSX



  • Following a recent upgrade of VMware NSX to 4.2.0.x
  • Greenfield NSX installation of 4.2.0.x
  • Enter NSX maintenance mode for the Host Transport node was successful. 
  • Exit NSX Maintenance Mode for Host Transport node failed with the following. 

    Transport Node Errors

Transport Node Maintenance Mode Config: Host ########-####-####-####-############ replied error code 8754 for TN maintenance mode setting, state: DISABLED., retries: 0

  • Setting NSX maintenance mode via nsx-cli failed with the error."Command not found"

    esxi-host>set maintenance-mode
    % Command not found: set maintenance-mode
    esxi-host> set maintenance-mode enable
    % Command not found: set maintenance-mode enable
    esxi-host> set maintenance-mode disable
    % Command not found: set maintenance-mode disable
  • NSX logs show the following. 

    2024-09-17T13:27:00.228Z Er(179) nsx-opsagent[803500]: NSX 803500 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-esx" subcomp="opsagent" s2comp="nsxa" tid="804047" level="ERROR" errorCode="MPA42011"] [PersistMmodeCfgToFile] Failed to open maintenance mode config file [/etc/vmware/nsxa/host_config_mmode.bin]: Operation not permitted
    2024-09-17T13:27:02.088Z Er(179) nsx-opsagent[803500]: NSX 803500 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-esx" subcomp="opsagent" s2comp="nsxa" tid="804047" level="ERROR" errorCode="MPA41024"] Execution of cmd [/opt/vmware/nsx-cli/bin/scripts/nsxcli --cmd "set maintenance-mode enabled"] failed with return code [2] and reply [% Command not found: set maintenance-mode enabled



VMware NSX
VMware NSX 4.2.0.X


This is due to the missing nsx-cli command for the "set maintenance-mode"


This issue will be resolved in future NSX releases.


Once Exit Maintenance Mode fails, CU can use SYNC as an option to mitigate the issue.