This article demonstrates how to locate and retrieve the service credentials and connection information for a service instance that is bound to an application running on Cloud Foundry. This is useful if you need to connect directly to the service.
Tanzu Application Service
We following are the options to retrieve the service credentials for a cloud foundry service instance.
The client credentials are the client_id and client_secret.
Option #1: Retrieve credentials using credhub CLI
1. Open a terminal session and login to Credhub following Scenario 2 in How to login and access Credhub in Tanzu Application Service (TAS).
2. Open another terminal session.
3. Login with your cf credentials.
4. Target the organization and space.
5. Retrieve the env variable VCAP_SERVICES for the application using "cf env <APP_NAME> ".
6. Locate the credential path under the "credentials.credhub-ref" under for service you wish to retrieve the credential for
Example for a config-server service instance
$ cf env cook
Getting env variables for app cook in org test / space test as admin...
"p.config-server": [
"binding_guid": "87c80682-827a-4e69-a29d-869903daa0cf",
"binding_name": null,
"credentials": {
"credhub-ref": "/c/p.spring-cloud-services-scs-service-broker/e9ca123d-c312-4f57-88a4-aef09e887f83/87c80682-827a-4e69-a29d-869903daa0cf/credentials-json"
"instance_guid": "8acb8291-547e-41f8-9ade-05438101f53c",
"instance_name": "cook-config-server",
"label": "p.config-server",
"name": "cook-config-server",
"plan": "standard",
"provider": null,
"syslog_drain_url": null,
"tags": [
"volume_mounts": []
7. Using the bosh terminal, retrieve the credential using "credhub get".
$ credhub get -n /c/p.spring-cloud-services-scs-service-broker/e9ca123d-c312-4f57-88a4-aef09e887f83/87c80682-827a-4e69-a29d-869903daa0cf/credentials-json
id: d9edfbfb-b769-42f9-b33a-236925043640
name: /c/p.spring-cloud-services-scs-service-broker/e9ca123d-c312-4f57-88a4-aef09e887f83/87c80682-827a-4e69-a29d-869903daa0cf/credentials-json
type: json
client_id: config-client-BINDING_GUID
client_secret: mysecret
version_created_at: "2024-09-10T20:49:07Z"
8. Take note of the client_id and client_secret for the desired service instance.
Option #2: Retrieve credentials from the app container
1. Login to the application using "cf ssh". If cf ssh is disabled, Login to the application as root (this requires an account with admin role).
$ cf ssh cook
2. Execute the command.
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --cert /etc/cf-instance-credentials/instance.crt --key /etc/cf-instance-credentials/instance.key -d "$VCAP_SERVICES" '' | sed -n '/{/,/}/p' | jq -r
$ curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --cert /etc/cf-instance-credentials/instance.crt --key /etc/cf-instance-credentials/instance.key -d "$VCAP_SERVICES" '' | sed -n '/{/,/}/p' | jq -r
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 1203 0 674 100 529 4519 3546 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 8128
"p.config-server": [
"label": "p.config-server",
"provider": null,
"plan": "standard",
"name": "cook-config-server",
"tags": [
"instance_guid": "8acb8291-547e-41f8-9ade-05438101f53c",
"instance_name": "cook-config-server",
"binding_guid": "87c80682-827a-4e69-a29d-869903daa0cf",
"binding_name": null,
"credentials": {
"client_secret": "mysecret",
"uri": "",
"client_id": "config-client-BINDING_GUID",
"access_token_uri": ""
"syslog_drain_url": null,
"volume_mounts": []
3. Take note of the client_id and client_secret for the desired service instance.