Sometimes an operator may want to run specific commands in the app container for debugging purpose, which requires root privileges. When we run cf ssh <app_name>
, we can only login into the app container as a vcap
The following instructions can be used for a Diego Cell.
1. Run this command: cf app <app_name> --guid
. It shows the app_guid.
2. Run this command: cf curl /v2/apps/<app_guid>/stats
cf curl /v3/processes/<app_guid>
/stats . It shows the host
address and port of the Diego cell in which the app instance is running.
3. Run the command bosh vms | grep <host>
to retrieve the diego_cell
name where host is the IP address listed in step 2.
4. Run this command bosh -d <cf-deployment> ssh <diego_cell>
to SSH into the Diego cell to login.
5. Run cfdot actual-lrps | grep <host> | grep <app_guid>
| jq '.instance_guid'
or cfdot actual-lrps | grep <host> | grep <port>
| jq '.instance_guid'
It shows the instance_guid
, which is the app container guid.
Note: If you do not see any output from the above command, refer to Alternate method to locate an app instance_guid in VMware Tanzu Application Service (TAS) for VMs for information how to locate the instance_guid with a different method.
6. For TAS for VMs 2.6+, run this command: sudo /var/vcap/packages/runc/bin/runc --root /run/containerd/runc/garden exec -t <instance_guid> /bin/bash
For older TAS for VMs releases, run this command: sudo /var/vcap/packages/runc/bin/runc exec -t <instance_guid> /bin/bash
Note: Be aware, we use this method for troubleshooting and monitoring purposes. Any changes made in the app container will be lost when the application is restarted / restaged.
The following instructions can be used for a Windows Diego Cell.
1. Run this command: cf app <app_name> --guid
. It shows the app_guid.
2. Run this command: cf curl /v2/apps/<app_guid>/stats
. It shows the host
address of the Windows Diego cell in which the app instance is running.
3. Run bosh vms | grep <host>
to retrieve the windows_diego_cell
name where host is the IP address listed in step 2.
4. Run bosh -d <cf-deployment> ssh diego_brain/0
to SSH into Diego brain.
5. Run this command: cfdot actual-lrps | grep <host> | grep <app_guid> |
jq '.instance_guid' . It shows
the instance_guid
, which is the app container guid.
6. Run bosh -d <pasw-deployment> ssh <windows_diego_cell>
to SSH into the Windows Diego cell in which the app instance is running.
7. Run the following command: C:\var\vcap\packages\winc\winc.exe exec <instance_guid> powershell