Data to gather for Support for DCS Agent issues with crashes or service issues
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Data to gather for Support for DCS Agent issues with crashes or service issues


Article ID: 376755


Updated On:


Data Center Security Server Advanced


A system with Symantec Data Center Security (DCS) is experiencing an issue with one of it's services.


Symantec DCS Windows Agent 6.x


Please enable low level debugging as listed below

  1. Turn on full windows process dump.
  2. Turn on DCS agent trace log
    sisipsconfig.bat -trace
  3. Launch Procmon32Low and enable “Enable Boot Logging”.
  4. Restart the computer, and try to reproduce this issue.

After the issue has been reproduced or reoccurs, please stop and collect the following items

  1. Crash dumps (if there are any)
  2. Procmon32Low boot log
  3. GAI logs set - How to collect a GAI

Procmon23Low Details - How to Generate a low-altitude Process Monitor trace. 

  1. Download from the attachments section at the bottom of this KB. (Note: the attached file at the bottom of this KB will have a version number in front of the file name)
  2. Right-click, select Extract All..., and extract the file to a location of your choice.
  3. Navigate to extracted files location, and run Procmon32Low.exe.
  4. Click Agree to agree to the license terms.
  5. When the Process Monitor Filter pop-up window appears, click Reset, click Apply, and then click OK.
  6. Click File > Capture Events to stop the capture. Ensure this option is now unchecked.
  7. Click Edit > Clear Display to clear the display.
  8. Click Options > Enable Boot Logging
    Check the option "Generate thread profiling events", Every Second
  9. After you enable PML booting logging, you can restart your computer. After the issue is reproduced, you can run Procmon23Low again and it will prompt you to save the booting log. Typically, PML booting logging does not have a noticeable impact on performance.

Attachments get_app