Reregistering NSX-T compute manager error "Compute Manager is already registered with another NSX-T instance"
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Reregistering NSX-T compute manager error "Compute Manager is already registered with another NSX-T instance"


Article ID: 376025


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VMware NSX


  • NSX-T version 3.x or 4.1.x.
  • Compute manager 'Connection Status' is in 'Down' and 'Registration Status' is 'Not Registered'.
  • Editing the compute manager with correct vCenter credentials, leads to Registration Status as 'In Progress'.
  • In the NSX-T manager log /var/log/proton/nsxapi.log we see the following:

WARN ExecutorChannel-455411737 CorfuDbTransactionManager 9899 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" level="WARNING" subcomp="manager"] STREAM_ID = ########-39cf-abc4-############| CONFLICT_VALUE = ComputeManagerStatusModel [version=7.0.3, connectionStatus=DOWN, connectionStatusDetails=null, registrationStatus=UNREGISTERED, cmPluginStatus=INITIALIZED, cmPluginStatusDetails=null, externalId=null, reverseProxyHttpPort=80, [email protected], lastFullSyncTime=<date epoch value>, originProperties={fullName=VMware vCenter Server 7.0.3 build-20395099, localeVersion=INTL, version=7.0.3, originComputeManagerDescription=, apiVersion=, build=20395099, vendor=VMware, Inc., licenseProductName=VMware VirtualCenter Server, name=VMware vCenter Server, osType=linux-x64, instanceUuid=########-8f49-4ed7-a774-############, originComputeManagerName=VMware vCenter Server, localeBuild=000, licenseProductVersion=7.0, apiType=VirtualCenter, productLineId=vpx}, warnings=[], errors=[], registrationErrors=[], oidcEndpointEntityId=####################] | CONFLICT_KEY_HASH = ####2589647234#### | CONFLICT_KEY = ComputeManagerStatusModel/########-ff62-4120-87a9-############ | MAP_NAME = nsx-manager ComputeManagerStatusModel 674e | TRANSACTION_ID = ########-53e9-48a8-9277-############ | OFFENDING_ADDRESS = ####452561

INFO ExecutorChannel-1263317758 ClusterManagerUtil 9899 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" level="INFO" subcomp="manager"] Sending request to cluster manager with api path http://localhost:7441/api/v1/cluster/api-virtual-ip

WARN ExecutorChannel-455411737 CmInventoryService 9899 FABRIC [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" level="WARNING" subcomp="manager"] ConcurrentUpdate exception occurred, retrying update for cm status model <compute-manager-UUID> Operation failed because of conflicting transaction. Transaction ID: d8ea9aad-####-####-####-####6a3573b9 Address: 3639452561


VMware NSX


This issue can occur when a compute manager registration was being updated at the same time the system was updating the compute manager, this leads to a concurrent DB exception and registration never completes and remains in a pending state.


This issue is resolved in VMware NSX 4.2.0 available at Broadcom Downloads., which prevents the concurrent operation from occurring.
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