Active Instance not set. To set an active instance use "Activate Instance ". when trying to backup CCS ADAM
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Active Instance not set. To set an active instance use "Activate Instance ". when trying to backup CCS ADAM


Article ID: 375071


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Control Compliance Suite Control Compliance Suite Standards Module Control Compliance Suite Standards Server


Documentation for Backup up CCS ADAM (AD/LDS) shows the following.

Backing up the Control Compliance Suite ADAM and SQL databases

You must backup the ADAM and SQL databases at regular intervals in case you need to recover from an Application Server failure in the future. Perform the following procedure to back up the CCS ADAM and SQL databases.
To back up the Control Compliance Suite ADAM and SQL databases If you are using Control Compliance Suite 12.0 or later, perform the following procedure on the Control Compliance Suite Application Server. If you are using a Control Compliance Suite version earlier than 12.0, perform the following procedure on the Control Compliance Suite Directory Server.
  1. Stop all the Symantec Control Compliance Suite services. See The correct order to stop and start the services for the CCS Application Server
  2. Create a folder to copy the ADAM database backup files. For example, C:\ADAM_backup
  3. At the command prompt, go to C:\windows\ADAM\
  4. Run the DsdbUtil.exe file.
  5. At the dsdbutil.exe: prompt, type files
  6. At the file maintenance: prompt, type compact to <foldername>, where foldername is the folder you created to copy the ADAM database.
    For example, compact to C:\ADAM_backup
    The ADAM database is backed up and the file adamntds.dit is created in the directory that you created to copy the ADAM database.


At step 5 the instance of ADAM has not yet been set, so you will get the message "Active Instance not set. To set an active instance use "Activate Instance "."


After step 4 run the following command to set the active instance.

activate instance symantecccs

After that command has been run the following steps will work without further errors as long as the services have been stopped.

For Example: