We are doing a silent installation of CABI
After following techdoc
to fix the library links, we are still see the following in the logs:
2024-08-12 05:07:55 ERROR CABIProcessBuilder.cabiProcess():98 - ./bin/psql: error while loading shared libraries: /lib64/libreadline.so.6: file too short
2024-08-12 05:07:55 ERROR CABIUtil.printCABIException():109 - ErrorCode : 19032 ErrorMessage :
Line 236: 2024-08-12 05:07:55 ERROR CABIUtil.printCABIException():109 - ErrorCode : 19033 ErrorMessage :
2024-08-12 05:07:55 INFO ProgressThread.run():93 - Error code is: 19032
2024-08-12 05:07:55 DEBUG RollBackInstallation.install():107 - Error code occured during the installation is: 19032
Line 259: 2024-08-12 05:07:55 INFO RollBackInstallation.triggerRollbackForInstallation():176 - error code is: 19032
Installation: Successful with errors.
28 Successes
0 Warnings
1 NonFatalErrors
0 FatalErrors
Custom Action: com.ca.bicoe.cajasperserver.install.guiinstaller.customcode.ValidateDBServerForSilentInstallation
Status: ERROR
Additional Notes: ERROR - class com.ca.bicoe.cajasperserver.install.guiinstaller.customcode.ValidateDBServerForSilentInstallation.install() runtime exception:
Silent install - new install
These errors seem to be benign
None of these errors seem to prevent the install from completing.
Exit the installer and start the CABI services.
Check if everything is working ok.